15 Stories About People Whose Nonsense Made Everyone’s Day Brighter

8 months ago

Although they are not always simple, relationships can be joyous and funny. Sometimes, our partners do things that make us shake our heads, roll our eyes, or laugh uncontrollably. These moments can brighten our day and increase our love for them, whether it’s a silly oversight, a hilarious practical joke, or a cute habit.

  • “He thought the outlet plug covers (for childproofing) meant the outlet was out-of-order. He literally had nothing plugged into the walls of his entire living room.” © Airport_Fart / Reddit
  • “I had to explain to a grown woman that 20% is not always $20 when converted to currency.” © DahvRom / Reddit
  • “Skiing came on TV, and at one point, the commentator said that the contestants had reached 100 km/h. My ex literally shouted at the TV. I looked at her and asked why, and she replied that there was no way that they could tell how far they’d go in an hour since the race was only 2 minutes long.” © Allydarvel / Reddit
  • “My ex-GF, in all seriousness, said electric vehicles were a great invention for blind people. ’It has to be so much easier for them to drive if they don’t have to fill the tank with gas.’” © erMortem / Reddit
  • “He mixed color and whites in the laundry and added bleach to whiten the whites... He was shocked that the bleach bleached everything and I had to explain that it’ll bleach everything you put in, as the bleach cannot discern what you want to be bleached or not... he was shocked.” © hughjonk / Reddit
  • “She didn’t know how to get to my house from anywhere but her house. Her work was about halfway between my house and hers, but she had to drive home first every time before she could drive to my house.” © CampoPequeno / Reddit
  • “When I mentioned I was on my period, he asked what my favorite flavor of tampons was. He genuinely thought the colors on the tampon packs were flavors and that I’d eventually be able to taste them.” © DaSavageDragon / Reddit
  • “I was the idiot in this case. I thought a French press worked by putting the coffee on top of the plunger, lowering it in, and then pulling it out. My girlfriend really wrestled with whether she could keep dating me after that one.” © RollinDeepWithData / Reddit
  • “I was dating this gal, and we went on a double date. We all ordered and she got ribs. Then she asked what part of the cow they were from. We chuckled, and she says, ’Did you not hear me? What part?’ We said, ’Ribs!’ in unison, and she responded, ’I know the name on the menu, but what part of the cow is it?’” © scorpiogre / Reddit
  • “We were having dinner when I mentioned I couldn’t eat cheese because I’m lactose intolerant. He asked how I could eat eggs. I told him that lactose was found in dairy, which comes from cows. He rejected my explanation and wouldn’t believe me until he Googled it for himself.” © Forever_Unruly / Reddit
  • “She was visibly upset (tears and quiet sobs) while we were watching District 9. She turns to me and whispers, ’When did this happen?’ As if the mistreatment of space aliens actually happened...” © DontLook_Weirdo / Reddit
  • “We watched a documentary that explained how sharks have electricity receptors, which they use to hunt. He said, ’That’s not possible, sharks are supposedly millions of years old, but we only invented electricity a hundred years ago.’” © Key-Lie250 / Reddit

Relationships are complex and prone to various scenarios, from the silly to the serious. And we have even more for you to check out.

Preview photo credit Airport_Fart / Reddit


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