15 People Shared the Most Insane True Stories They Witnessed

7 months ago

Life has a way of throwing us into the most unexpected and unbelievable situations. From encounters that defy logic to moments that seem straight out of a movie, the world is full of stories that stretch the boundaries of reality.

  • “I breathed underwater once. Like, I realized it was happening and did my best to check it was really happening, because I knew it shouldn’t be. Eventually, I realized I’d been at the bottom of the pool for a long time and surfaced to tell my mother and ask for an explanation. But she was reading a book and thought I was just making up nonsense.
    So logically, I put my face in the water and tried to do it again. Started crying because now I had stinging water up my nose and was apparently failing at understanding reality.
    Like 20 years later, my older stepson came home and told me about how he’d found himself breathing at the bottom of the pool at the park and only surfaced when he realized he might be worrying the lifeguard. Told him, ’Yeah I did that once too, reality isn’t as solid as it looks. Just be careful with that please.’ He was maybe 17 at the time.” OpheliaRainGalaxy / Reddit
  • “About 1 week after my grandad died, I was sleeping in his house where my grandma still lived and got woken up to the sound of my grandad’s voice calling my name. I walked out onto the landing at the top of the stairs, and it was absolutely freezing cold. Then, when I looked down the stairs, the wall at the bottom was all warped and moving weirdly like jelly.
    The way I always describe it was like that old Windows PC screensaver where a magnified blob would move across the screen and distort everything, or like the ’predator’ invisible outline effect. The next morning, before I even mentioned anything, my grandma said she had also heard my grandad’s voice during the night.
    Years later, my grandma also died in that house and my cousin ended up moving into it. She eventually had to move out because she kept hearing the sound of my grandma’s cough and her walking stick clicking up and down the stairs during the night, and it really freaked her out.” Majick_L / Reddit

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  • “I was walking behind someone outside of a gas station, and they became pitch black and disappeared in broad daylight. I was three steps behind this guy too. There’s no mistaking what I witnessed.” Brockovich614 / Reddit
  • “When I was a kid, I jumped a fence. Two big dogs ran at me from opposite directions. I jumped back on the fence and just like in a cartoon, they ran into each other.” steeple_fun / Reddit
  • “5-year-old me, early morning, noises from downstairs (2 floors house). I went from my room into my parents’ bed as I was scared about the noises. Blanket all the way above my nose, I hear steps, someone is coming up the stairs. It looked like a man, but he was all dark, you couldn’t see his clothes because he didn’t have any, not naked, just a dark figure with yellow eyes and a black dot as a pupil.
    He looked at me and went into our spare bedroom. It wasn’t a dream because my day carried on, and my dad woke up not long after. I asked him to check the spare bedroom and nothing was there. To this day, I don’t know what that was.” Ready-Ship-2513 / Reddit
  • “My best friend and I both saw the outline of a man in my window in bed one night, except he had claws and wings. We both thought we were imagining it until we both offhandedly mentioned it to each other the next morning, but everyone thinks we’re just nuts.” Unknown user / Reddit
  • “When I was 8 years old, living in rural Illinois, I witnessed a UFO/UAP hovering over a cornfield about 300 yards away from me as I was headed home for dinner. The sun was just beginning to go down.
    I can’t say how long I watched it for before it shot straight up and disappeared, but I caught hell for being late for dinner. When I tried to explain what I’d seen, I was ridiculed and sent to my room without dinner for lying. Never said much about it to anyone until recently.” the_lowjacked / Reddit
  • “I swear I found the end of a rainbow one afternoon when I was driving home after school. It arched down and ended right in a stormwater drain ditch next to a driveway. I know, scientifically they don’t touch the ground, but this one did. I drove right past the end.” monsoon_in_a_mug / Reddit
  • “I was at the kitchen table studying when I was 16, my mom was cooking dinner. A fly was buzzing around, and she swatted at it with a dishcloth, the same dishcloth that was on her shoulder being used as a hand-wiping rag while cooking. While waving the cloth around, she let go of it, it flew somewhere behind her, and then it...was just gone. I mean gone, gone.
    We both overturned that entire kitchen and even pulled out furniture (like the fridge) looking for it until we started to feel crazy. Was there ever a rag? Was she just using her hand and not a rag to swat at the fly, and we were mistaken? It was so bizarre.
    Years later, when the house was completely empty because we were moving out, we both went back in there and did one final look. No rag. So I guess in some alternate dimension, some gnome was sitting around, and a portal opened to dump a wet cooking rag on it because what other explanation is there.” DruidWonder / Reddit
  • “I tossed a treat to my parents’ dog. It hit the dog’s nose and then bounced straight up into the air. Then it hit the dog’s nose again and bounced up again.
    It happened 3 times before the dog caught it. The dog in question was a very lazy mastiff, and it looked like something out of a cartoon. No one believes me.” drbarnowl / Reddit
  • “An adult bull Moose walked into the local grocery in the middle of the day, headed to the produce section, and started eating fruit. Everyone outside my town doesn’t believe it, but nobody within the town will ever forget.” MysteriousMrX / Reddit
  • “When I was in middle school at a sleepover, my friend and I were talking about our favorite foods. He said his favorite was meatball marinana and I said it’s marinara. So we made a bet (it was raining outside) that if lightning struck the place where I pointed within a minute, I was right.
    He said that it was too long, so we changed it to 10 seconds. As soon as I said 1, it struck exactly in that place. We were so hyped we almost woke up the other people, but no one believed us.” ffj_ / Reddit
  • “I saw a giant meteor in the sky around 2007-2008. It was so big, it lit up everything like it was daytime for a split second. It was much bigger than the moon in the sky. It had slowed down and started stuttering like it had a low frame rate and then disappeared as fast as it appeared. Legit thought that it was for us.” theholyd1ver / Reddit
  • “In middle school, walking home from a friend’s house, I went to pet a doggy. Looked like a big golden lab, facing away from me. I got about 3 feet away, and it turned toward me. Mountain lion. In the front yard, right near the sidewalk of a Chicago suburban house in an unremarkable neighborhood.
    I had nightmares for weeks. Finally, there was another sighting next town over, and it made the papers, and then all the stories came out about pets going missing, rabbit heads found in yards, and all the associated madness. My dad still thought I imagined it — I was a small kid, and it was a big lion.” SaveFerrisBrother / Reddit
  • “In my city, we lift our hand at the pedestrian crossings and the cars stop so we can cross. Most people respect it.
    One day, getting off the bus, I saw a dog stop and lift his paw at the crossing. I stopped to watch, believing it was a coincidence. Nope, the cars stopped for the dog, and he only crossed when it was completely safe. And yes, the dog was alone, no human beside him lifting their hand or anything.
    Most people don’t believe me to this day. That dog must have been a once in a generation genius, or he was taught by someone before living on the streets.” Shoddy_Amphibian5645 / Reddit

As we’ve journeyed through these incredible stories, it’s clear that reality often surpasses even the wildest imaginations. Whether these tales made you gasp, laugh, or reflect, they highlight the fact that everyone has a story worth telling. So, keep your eyes open and your mind ready, because you never know when you might witness the next unbelievable moment.

Preview photo credit Ready-Ship-2513 / Reddit


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