15 People Who Took Creativity to Such an Advanced Stage, We Almost Don’t Follow

3 years ago

There are no limits to creativity. But when we combine creativity and practicality, it makes exceptional gadgets and items too hard to ignore. These people made things at home and took their creativity to a whole other level.

At Bright Side, we dug deep and spotted 15 people who took creativity to such an advanced stage, we can barely comprehend it.

1. “Someone put a Bob Ross toaster in our breakroom, and it burns an image of Bob Ross onto the toast.”

2. Beer caps that you can play rock paper scissors with

3. A changing room with switches that adjust the color temperature of the light to simulate different times of the day

4. “A burger place near me has installed contactless soda.”

5. A smart car with a snowplow

6. This mall has a “husband depository” with massage chairs and phone chargers.

7. The NICU at the hospital has masks with mouth windows so the baby can see your expressions.

8. A bathroom switch with a fan timer so you can leave it running but don’t have to come back to turn it off

9. These coasters double as mini board games (the other side is cork).

10. “The toilet paper/ashtray combination in a client’s bathroom”

11. This grocery cart has a drink holder to hold coffee cups while you shop.

12. This bathroom displays which stalls are available.

13. “In Germany, you can buy ketchup and mayonnaise combined in a single tube. A bit like striped toothpaste...”

14. “My hotel phone in Iceland has a special button that will wake you up if there are northern lights in the sky.”

15. “My dining room table houses a secret spiral staircase.”

Which one are you thinking of trying? Feel free to share your own creative stories and pictures with the Bright Side team.

Preview photo credit u/bu-bb-les/ Reddit


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