15+ People Whose Hobby Deserves Some Praise

6 hours ago

We all have our little hobbies that bring us joy and distract us from everyday life. Someone finds pleasure in cooking, creating masterpieces in the kitchen, others knit cozy jumpers, and others like to make homemade sausages. And sometimes what started out as a hobby even turns into an additional source of income.

  • I met a guy. Our relationship quickly developed, and he invited me to his house. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands, but there was no towel. I opened the cupboard and found a bra.
    I grabbed it and went to ask my “boyfriend,” “What’s that supposed to mean?” And he calmly replied, “Just don’t make it dirty, I need to send it to a customer.”
    It turns out that he was making tailor-made bras. I didn’t believe it at first, but when he showed me the mannequins and his workplace, I felt a little embarrassed. I was a little sorry that we parted our ways eventually. But it wasn’t because of his work, we just didn’t get along.

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  • My neighbor is 78 years old, she lives alone. A kind and quiet woman. I noticed that a young man started coming to see her. It would have been nothing, but after he came I would hear screaming.
    I started to worry, so one day I knocked on the door. They’re quiet. And then the door opens and there’s this old lady wearing a karate kimono.
    I was blown away! She decided to try something new in her old age, and this guy was teaching her all kinds of stances and lunges.
  • One day I’m on the subway going home from work and knitting a pullover. That’s how I relax and kill time on the road. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that the man next to me stares at me and somehow gets closer and closer.
    Well, I think, that’s the last thing I need now. And then I look down, and he’s holding a book about knitting. Turns out he was just watching me crochet. We ended up talking, got to know each other. We’re still in touch.
  • Before my granddaughter’s 5th birthday, my daughter-in-law called me. She said, “My daughter wants a toy for her birthday — a bat, scary but cute. I couldn’t find anything like this in a shop. Maybe you can figure something out?” Well, this is what I made. © NatalyGorshkova / Pikabu
  • My whole family are campers and outdoor enthusiasts. Grandma, grandpa, grandpa’s brother, grandpa’s brother’s family, mum, dad, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, sister’s husband and their daughter.
    And every summer, our family goes camping. It’s out of the question. A month in the mountains. Don’t get me wrong, I love nature, tents, cooking over a fire and all that. I’m not bothered by the lack of hot water, clouds of mosquitoes and a backpack weighing more than half of me.
    But every time I go camping with them, adventures happen. Bears? Sure. A catamaran capsized on the rapids? Yes! All the cauldrons and food for 10 days, drowning in the river? Great.
    We got flooded, and our tent was almost washed away overnight? Yeah! Got bit by ticks? Ha! That’s not a bear after all! You know what I mean. There’s just a little bit of everything.
    Every time after a hike, I throw myself into the arms of civilization and think, “Never again!” And when summer approaches again, I start to think, “Well, it wasn’t that bad, was it? This time it’ll be okay.” And I go camping again. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I crochet and read! I try to reread YA books from my childhood and for crocheting at the beginning of October I bought $50 worth of yarn and I still have 80% of it so it’s gonna last me quite a bit! © 132Adrian / Reddit
  • 10 years ago, I wrote a play at the request of a friend, but she didn’t need it, so I decided to send it to a contest. I won.
    Now my plays are in theaters. Another premiere is coming up. Though, I don’t get much money from this. I earn much more as an office worker. © Lika / ADME
  • I’ve tried to incorporate “productive” hobbies that are beneficial in multiple ways. I like to organize things, learn to cook healthy international dishes, and practice wellness (skincare, yoga, self-care). It’s kind of like taking chores and turning them into something positive and beneficial to my life. It brings me a lot of happiness and fulfillment, and also keeps me centered and healthy. © Glittering-Proton / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, I was really good at getting soft toys out of vending machines. You know, the kind with a claw and joystick. A few days ago, the supermarket near my house installed a similar one and, of course, there are a lot of schoolchildren hanging around it now, playing with the money saved from breakfast. I was sad today and decided to play.
    The result: me, a 25-year-old lady in a suit and heels, surrounded by a crowd of supportive kids cheering loudly. I ended up getting all the toys (30 of them) out of the machine in 2 hours and handing them out to the kids. I’ve never felt better. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Working out, disc golf, bowling, video games, landscaping/yard work, and I enjoy financial planning and investing. I used to play soccer several times a week after work, but my knees have put an end to that. © TheGoonSquad612 / Reddit
  • My dad has been fishing all his life. I remember our bathtub full of pike and smelt he used to sell, the smell of fish all over the house and scales all over the kitchen. Money problems ended, food became normal, but Dad’s hobby remained.
    Mom forbade him to bring fish home. He goes fishing, and we don’t care what he does with it afterwards. But once my mom and I went to a restaurant, and the waiter offered us a specialty — pikeperch. Mum said, “No way I pay for fish!” © Overheard / Ideer
  • My mom has changed many professions. Now she is a village librarian, and she has a little time for a hobby. And she draws paintings like this.
    They don’t have high artistic value, the main thing is that she and I like them. For example, this is just a country road for some people. But I used to walk along it every summer to go swimming in the lake with my friends. © svetlyis / Pikabu
  • In 2020, I started experimenting with growing strawberries. At the time, the current scale seemed like science fiction. I didn’t even think it would get this far. Strawberries are not easy to grow. It’s a finicky crop.
    Now it’s come to the point where my strawberries are supplied to restaurants and pastry shops in the city. They really appreciate that my product is selected, fresh and tasty. © Ausbeute / Pikabu
  • A year ago, I rescued a small cereus that was left on the office window sill by a colleague who had quit her job. So I took it home. The plant was surprised and grew twice as big in a year, and in all directions. Now I have my own green Doric column.
    Then it was joined by a weeping fig neglected by a coworker. In short, I adopted a little of everything, and they all suddenly recovered and grew. I don’t even make any special efforts. I only do ritual dances around the lemon, it smells amazing when it blooms. © Marina El Mapache / ADME
  • About 6 years ago, I came across recipes for homemade sausages on the Internet. And although I don’t have a smokehouse or a thermal chamber, only an oven, it doesn’t stop me. And this photo is the result of my hobby. © sisterMercy / Pikabu
  • My grandmother is 84 years old. Her hobby is manicure. Every day she paints her nails, draws something on them. Every time I ask her what she wants from the city, she says, “3 bottles of nail polish in different colors, cotton pads and nail polish remover!” © Overheard / Ideer
  • I live in a dorm. A man about 40–45 years old lives next door, but he doesn’t look like a student. We got to talking to him once. It turned out that he works as an accountant in a large company with a hefty salary.
    In the end, he confessed that he spends all his money on mountaineering and travelling. Living in a dorm allows him to save money. He’s already travelled the world. This summer he will go to Chile for a month, and in winter — to New Zealand. © Overheard / Ideer
  • An acquaintance liked to paint cars. At first, he practiced on toy models, then he started to paint cars of friends and acquaintances. His parents kept nagging him that he needed a normal job that would bring income. But he began to earn quite well on airbrushing. And his parents still haven’t calmed down. © Shamanka / ADME
  • I like buying dollhouses from the thrift store and restoring them. It’s super therapeutic to me. There are also miniature dollhouse building kits available online, and it’s a super fun, albeit pricey, craft option as well!
    I’ll listen to an audiobook or watch a video essay while crafting, and it’s great because it works with my ADHD. I don’t know what to do with my creations after, though. © ToxicFluffer / Reddit

And here people shared their extraordinary hobbies. Check them out.


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