Dragged in the flow of a routine, it’s sometimes hard to catch fleeting happy moments in life. However, while looking through old family albums, every picture that depicts those moments becomes priceless. The heroes of our article managed to capture the most precious moments they shared with their families, ensuring they’d never forget the most genuine treasures in life.
1. “Having fun being a girl dad”
2. Nothing compares to this connection.
3. “My grandparents’ sixtieth wedding anniversary”
“My grandfather had Alzheimer’s. He didn’t remember his children, his home, or anything else, but as bad as it got, whenever he saw my grandmother he would say, ’Look at my beautiful wife!’”
5. “My wife and I met over a banana split 35 years ago today. Every year, we go back for another.”
6. “Here’s my first holding my second, the exact same due date, 2 years apart.”
7. “My mom did my grandmother’s hair. I can’t tell if she likes it.”
8. “Here’s my grandpa (95) holding my 11-month-old baby girl’s hand. It was something powerful to me.”
9. “Some of my most vivid memories of my dad are working on cars growing up. It’s amazing to see my son be genuinely curious and excited to help.”
10. “My newborn daughter, wife, her mom, grandma, and great-grandma are all separated by 30 years each.”
11. “When you realize that your dad has been practicing his ’jokes’ for years”
12. “My 92-year-old dad celebrated my 17-year-old son’s high school graduation.”
13. Nothing beats the tiny grab.
14. “Watching the game with Grandpa”
15. “My son is so happy to be a big brother!”
16. “Son found the chocolate”
17. “I don’t want almond, Sara, get me the chocolate milk!”
What is the most precious memory you share with your family? Let’s spread some love in the comments below.