15 Stories Whose End Got Twisted For Sure

In most comedies, there’s a character who’s a bit of a loser, always ending up in funny situations. These scenes often make us laugh, but when you’re the one going through them, it’s not as amusing. Some folks get upset about their failures, while others bravely share their mishaps with everyone.
“The lock failed and wouldn’t open, and I was home alone for at least two days and didn’t have the phone with me, so I had to break through.” Cardans1328 / Reddit
“Figured it be nice to throw myself my 50th birthday party, invited all of my friends, some would need to drive an hour to visit. It started an hour and half ago. Purchased hamburgers, hot dogs for a BBQ. No one has shown up yet.” Gamerdave74 / Reddit
Before you go, be sure to check out another article featuring 16 people who will make you laugh and facepalm simultaneously. You’re in for a fun read! Plus, there are plenty more positive stories to brighten your day.