15 Photos That Show Your Brain Can Easily Fool You and Tell a Whole Different Story

2 years ago

If our world were simple and predictable, we would quickly get tired. It feels like our brain searches for quirky things, different angles, and confusing perspectives. Associations can sometimes come out of nowhere.

1. “Is that a book?”

2. “Ghost car parking”

3. “Confusing footprints”

4. “This picture of my cat looks like he is floating.”

5. “Floating cliffs? Snowy hills? 2 pictures stitched together? A beach on the island of Socotra.”

6. “Trash panda”

7. “These birds.”

8. “Almost fell into the hole!”

9. “I feel you pup.”

10. “Meanwhile my brain trying to decipher the enigma.”

11. Flying bus

12. “Deformed foot”

13. “A rail support on a tram.”

14. “The reflection of the lamp on the sunglasses.”

15. “Girl scratches her back and it looks like a horror movie.”

Which picture was the most confusing for you? Do you like to take pictures of unusual things?


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