I love those dogs
15 Photos Where the Bond Between Humans and Pets Can Be Felt a Mile Away
Sometimes all we need after a tiring day is to cuddle with our pets while reading a book or having a cup of tea. Simple things bring joy, and our pets can cheer us up and even alleviate depression symptoms. These 15 people were blessed with loyal, fluffy friends and we can’t help but say, “Aww.”
So, we at Bright Side decided to show you the strong chemistry between pets and their humans, and we don’t need words to describe the bond.
1. “My dog gets anxious in the car. My grandma was sitting with him, saying, ’It’s okay, we’re almost there, brave boy.’”
2. “I brought one of my baby bunnies to meet my great-grandmother.”
3. “My grandpa was so lonely after his cat passed away. My mom found him a new kitten. This is the picture she sent me.”
4. “My cat learned that the alarm sound means I wake up, so she snuggles on my chest right after.”
5. “My dad (79) went from ’I don’t want that cat’ to carrying her to ’her room’ for bed each night.”
6. “My blind and deaf grandmother-in-law with the family’s new blind and deaf cat”
7. “My friend just texted, ’Adopted a dog yesterday,’ with this pic.”
8. “We adopted an 11-year old cat. He and my daughter fell in love. This is them after she got back from a week at camp.”
9. “My grandma had a tenth birthday party for her dog.”
10. “Watched my co-worker’s dog for an afternoon and now he won’t stop staring at me.”
11. “My wife is 3 weeks away from her due date and our cats love snuggling her belly.”
12. “My pregnant wife has been practicing her swaddling technique on the dog.”
13. “My boyfriend found this sweetie yelling at him from an alleyway. He took her home and now she’s having a catnap.”
14. “My dad was worried my deaf, blind dog wouldn’t recognize him after a year. Makes me cry every time.”
15. “My husband-to-be and my doggo have this great thing going on.”
What do you do that instantly gives away the true connection between you and your pet? How long have you been together?
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There's so much deep love from these little fur babies and their owners and family members. And that Golden, it loves its owner's boyfriend something crazy. That's some massive snuggles its giving him and looks completely satisfied.

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