15 Things About Women Men Can’t Resist

7 years ago

The wish to be liked by the opposite sex is natural, and that’s the reason why girls trying to find the answer to the question “What do men like?” end up improving those parts of their bodies they think will drive any man crazy.

Bright Side wondered what answer men themselves would give to this question. Some of their answers surprised us very much.

15. Kindness

Men always notice kind deeds, especially if they are considering this girl for a long-lasting relationship. Even scientists have proof of this fact. It’s not for nothing that they say good returns; as it turns out, it returns as an increased attention from men.

14. The ability to find a way out of awkward situations

Men keep repeating that they are attracted by the naturalness both in behavior and in appearance. It turns out that your reaction to unexpected situations is also important. If a girl can admit that she made a mistake instead of trying to justify it or getting angry, it’s a true way of getting the admiration of an interested male.

13. Nails

Many girls are sure that nobody except for the manicure master is interested in their nails. However, it appears that men appreciate well-groomed hands (though they may not notice the exact nail polish color or the shape of your nails) as that helps them to identify how well the girl takes care of herself.

12. Emotional condition

According to men, one of the most unpleasant female types is girls with a negative outlook on the world. Men notice everything that troubles you in life and worsens your mood every now and then: nasty work, quarrels with parents, sufferings from unfulfilled dreams. They start to associate your image with anguish while they want to have a source of positivity. This is why they easily get charmed by happy women who are able to enjoy life.

You won’t manage to pretend for a long time because your man will notice how suppressed you are inside even if you will be trying your best to seem the happiest person in the world. That’s why you should learn to find simple joys in daily life. First of all, though, it’s you who need it the most.

11. Financial condition

Not only women look at the financial condition of men, but vice versa as well. Yes, this topic is very delicate, but it’s important. Hence, be sure that men ask about your finances not out of curiosity but to draw some conclusions as well.

If you earn more money than he does, he might need some time to understand if he is able to face such a situation. If you earn less than him, he might need this time to determine if your interests are not solely financial in nature.

10. Self-esteem

Men like to compliment women who already know they’re worth those words, and they hate to reassure those who are used to neglecting their beauty. No woman is less attractive to a man than one who always questions her own beauty.

The confidence in being beautiful usually compensates for any imaginary or real flaws in one’s appearance. By realizing it, one can easily become the very pretty woman that men dream about.

9. Attitude to other girls


If you gave an unkind look to a pretty girl passing by, or, moreover, you let yourself make an unpleasant comment about her, you can be sure that your man noticed it and interpreted it as having a full set of complexes together with an envious and incisive character.

8. Style

Some men are not that good when it comes to following the latest fashion trends, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about the way a girl looks. Your style can be a decisive factor for introducing himself to you because a man may have his opinion on how his dream girl should look. Some will not dare to approach a girl with bright hair, while others are conversely repelled by clichés. This is why one should never adjust to other people’s tastes — you won’t be able to be equally liked by everyone.

7. Footwear

Yes, men are extremely attentive to the person they are interested in- from nails to footwear. No, they don’t try to identify the designer of your shoes or to remember the rules of color combinations between shoes and bags; they pay attention to how comfortable you feel in your footwear. When a girl puts on shoes with a huge and unstable heel, it only brings irritation and the wish to finish the date as soon as possible.

6. The number of friends

For men, it’s important that their girlfriend has her own life with real friends with whom she has gone through fire and water. They get alarmed by the absence of close friend and having many acquaintences that keep changing every now and then.

5. Anything backless

This isn’t an inner quality, however, it’s still worth mentioning. Backless tops and dresses are a great and easy way to show off a little skin while keeping things classy. They are super feminine — it’s a way to reveal a part of your body without showing too much.

4. Laughter

Without many words here, girls that are not afraid to show their emotions always bewitch men.

3. Sense of humor

When describing a perfect girl you will always find such a point as a sense of humor. The research only proves that girls who can make funny jokes and understand them as well seem to be more attractive. Those who don’t possess this set of qualities are not considered to be as lovable.

2. Tiredness

It’s a well-known fact that insomnia and a lack of sleep don’t make us attractive, and even cosmetics can’t always hide your daily regimen from a man. In one study, 65 observers were shown photos of 23 attractive men and women, first sleeping 8 hours the night before and then again after having no sleep at all. Most of the pictures with sleep deprivation seemed less attractive, sad, and aggressive.

1. Aspirations

We live in a world full of events and rhythms. That is probably the reason why a wish to live a full life- to turn big, crazy dreams and plans into realities and to aspire to reach new heights while still searching for sources of inspiration- is a very important factor for making girls attractive to men. Passivity and laziness in girls turn modern men off. However, women are also not attracted to this kind of men. Do you agree?

Are there any other factors you would add to this list? Please share them in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in September 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit AFP / EAST NEWS


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