14 Times People Were Hyped to Get Their Orders, but Ended Up Terribly Disappointed

5 years ago

Nobody is safe from little troubles, even though sometimes we feel like these are the worst mistakes we’ve ever made. The people from this article know from their own experience that they should always be on the lookout and that danger may be lurking around every corner. Especially when it comes to online orders.

“My colleague bought a Harley and wanted some boots. He was impressed with the $39 price tag online. Not so much when they arrived.”

“It said it came with 10 large stones.”

“They’d better give me a refund.”

“I’ve brushed its fur for 10 minutes.”

“Expectation vs Reality, after a 6-month back order from West Elm”

“Children’s party entertainer (Alice in Wonderland)”

“I just won this clock.”

“Wow. The wall will look nice.”

This photo was more accurate than I’d realized.

It’s... not even a cardigan.

“I’ve been tricked by the packaging of my moisturizing cream.”

“It didn’t come with nearly enough thread, but this is possibly entirely my fault.”

Bread for scale

“I decided to give my 14-year-old daughter a surprise — an unusual photo shoot. 2 weeks later we got the pics. And these cost us $200.”

Belka0806 / pikabu
Belka0806 / pikabu
Belka0806 / pikabu

Have you ever been disappointed with a service or a product?

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit pputkowski / reddit


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it is really happening? somehow I want to know that. I read a lot of this kind of things. I shop online. at least twice a week and all purchases satisfies me because as I remember I only give 4 or 5 stars to all things I have ever purchased.


These all look like fake stories. Every single one looks like it was set up to make us think those people were cheated


that's why you always check comments and reviews before ordering online ?


I ordered 3 pieces of clothes hanger stand and after 21 days, they initiated a refund for two of them and I am still waiting for the third one. But they have already sent an email asking for product review. I wonder what I should review.


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