15+ True Betrayal Stories That Expose the Dark Side of People

4 hours ago

We often place unquestioning trust in our friends and family, but even the people we hold dearest can betray us. In this collection, we’ve gathered some powerful real-life stories. After facing the sting of betrayal, these resilient individuals have overcome the hurt and now share their experiences with millions online.

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  • My sweet grandparents suddenly stopped visiting. When I asked my parents why, they just said, ’’We’re better off like this!’’ I went to their house, but they wouldn’t open the door. A month later, the police showed up. I was petrified when they arrested my mother.

    It turned out she had opened several credit cards in my grandmother’s name, racking up a huge amount of debt. Despite my grandparents begging her for months to stop, she refused to pay it back. They eventually cut her off and had no choice but to involve the law.

    I knew my mom had serious spending problems, but this was too much. What broke my heart and my trust, though, was that my grandmother didn’t want to speak to me anymore.
  • My ex-boyfriend and my (former) best friend started seeing each other behind my back while we were still dating. I had been with my partner for 3 ½ years, but I had known him for most of my life, and the friend I trusted completely. It took me a long time to get over it. © saltyservitude / Reddit
  • My father passed away unexpectedly when I was 15, and my stepmother took the majority of my inheritance. It was tied up in probate court for eight years. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was best friends with a girl named Erin. After five years of friendship, she stopped talking to me when I went through depression. During her struggles with depression, while her parents were splitting, I was the only one there for her. © HurtfulHotty / Reddit
  • I was sitting with two friends in middle school when they got into a fight. The argument escalated, and one of them, only feet away from me, screamed that he didn’t actually like me and had only stayed around to seem popular. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • On the day my dad died, I discovered he had a secret family—a different wife and a thirteen-year-old daughter. While accessing his Facebook to post details about his wake, I found messages to his other wife. My world fell apart, and I was at a loss for how to tell my mom and my two brothers. To make things worse, all his relatives knew about this and never told us.
    © weekend_rockstar / Reddit
  • My girlfriend chose to break up with me over Line, a mobile instant messenger popular in Asia, after a year and a half together. She couldn’t even face me in person. © worthless***-_- / Reddit
  • I thought I could trust my best friend with anything. We grew up together, and shared every secret. So, when I told her about the promotion I was up for, I didn’t think twice. A week later, I found out she applied for the same position—without a word. She got it. Not even a sorry. That’s when I realized, no one’s loyalty is guaranteed, not even your closest friend.
  • My father promised for years to help me pay for college. Six months before I left for school, he even made a payment plan with the college. I never received a cent from him. © missvelvet / Reddit
  • A good friend and I signed a 10-month lease for an apartment. Two weeks later, she decided to move out and live with someone else, giving me no notice. She just called me and told me she was leaving, even though I hadn’t moved in yet.
    I had to find a new roommate quickly to afford the rent. If she had been a stranger, it wouldn’t have mattered as much, but we had been close for years, and her complete lack of remorse made me feel utterly worthless. © wildkokiri / Reddit
  • Last year, I confided in a friend that I was in a relationship with a man (I’m a guy) and was exploring a new side of myself. A few weeks ago, I found out that she had shared this information with every mutual friend we had. Every single one. © w_illest / Reddit
  • I introduced a friend to our group last year, and we all became good friends. Now, they spend almost all their time with that friend and hardly with me. They even make plans in front of me without inviting me. It might be time to reconsider my friend group. © Fender***9 / Reddit
  • My stepbrother stole over $30,000 from my parents and disappeared. I had defended him from my dad the night before he broke into my parents’ safe. © spikecbb / Reddit
  • I found out that my wife of three months, whom I married to help her get citizenship, was cheating on me with the best man from our wedding. After three years of their relationship, they are now separated and have a child. Meanwhile, I’m happily involved with an amazing girlfriend. © Yeen_North / Reddit
  • I looked up to a man who was a friend, a mentor, and a father figure to me. He convinced me to leave my position and come work for him, promising promotions and help in achieving my goals. He needed me on his team, he said.
    I joined him, but it was like Jekyll and Hyde. He insulted me, spoke about me behind my back, used me as a scapegoat for his issues with the rest of the staff, and ultimately derailed my reputation and career.
    It took me four years of hard work to rebuild my reputation. I still don’t understand why it happened. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. © CosmicCo**ie / Reddit
  • My girlfriend suddenly left me for my best friend. He lived with three other close friends who didn’t make any effort to support me during that time. So every night I was free, I had to choose between wallowing alone or going to my friend’s house and seeing them together. © GeneralAgrippa / Reddit

Over time, life teaches us hard lessons that build resilience, sharpen our instincts, and strengthen us. This article dives into shocking moments where people were forced to let go of their naivety and see the world through a new lens.


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