15+ Wild Airport Stories That Prove Travelers Have Seen It All (and Lived to Tell)

month ago

Airports are where patience is tested, sanity is questioned, and the unexpected becomes reality. With one of the most demanding airports handling over 819 takeoffs per day, it's hard to imagine the number of people marching there. But numbers don’t capture the sheer chaos, comedy, and catastrophe of real-life airport stories—and we’ve got some of the wildest ones for you.

Ready for the ride? Fasten your seatbelt—this one’s going to be unforgettable!

  • Saw a lady walking with a dog on a leash; I think it was a golden retriever or something similar. Anyway, I remember thinking, "Hmm. I didn't know that dogs were allowed to walk around in airports." Right after the thought crossed my mind, the dog stopped, the lady started saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no!" and the dog just took the most massive dump I think I shall ever see a dog take.
    The dog must've been holding it in for a solid week or something because it was just a steady flow that built up into the most incredible pile. I didn't stick around, so I'm not sure how they handled the cleanup. I'm guessing a forklift was involved. @lemonsauce / Reddit
  • My wife and I were sitting behind a lady at the gate waiting to board. The lady had her t-shirt on inside out. My wife tapped her on the shoulder to tell her.
    The lady did thanks, then stood up, took her t-shirt off, no bra, and fixed the problem. Airport security saw her and escorted her out of the airport. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • There were about 100 screaming fan girls stalking out of the airport to see Harry Styles about ten years ago, and they ran past the Nando's where I was eating, holding up signs with pom-poms and streamers.
    Walking past them was a group of bodyguards. And Eminem. All those fans completely missed him. I made eye contact, shrugged my shoulders in disbelief, and said, "They're not here for you." Eminem shrugged back and said, "I hope not. They're crazy." @Fifth_Wall06** / Reddit
  • This was during a flight, but I guess it counts still: I was on a trip with my GF's fam, and her dad was terrified of flying. They were adamant about not saying anything about it because this man was legitimately shaking and stuff.
    Anyway, I turn on the little headrest TV thing, and guess what's on the only 3 channels they have? 3 completely different documentaries about plane crashes. If you looked around the plane, you could see about a dozen TVs showing one of them. I was halfway between trying not to laugh at this poor man and feeling terrible for him at the same time. Great trip, though. @Easy_Cauliflower_** / Reddit
  • I worked at an airport for 15 years. I was supervising the departure of a flight to Paris, but we had a mechanical problem: engine change required = 24 hours of delay. It was a Sunday night, and we sent all the passengers to the Hilton airport.
    The following day, the aircraft was ready to go, and this lady asked to speak to a supervisor because she was unhappy about this delay. So I go to meet her and her husband and listen to her complaint. She claimed that her husband and she had spent the previous evening calculating the cost of grounding the aircraft, sending everyone off to the hotel with meals, and that it came out cheaper than letting a half-full flight across the Atlantic.
    Combining both flights (Sunday's and Monday's) would save the company loads of cash, she says. So I stayed calm and politely explained to her that the aircraft hit a couple of birds during takeoff, that the engine was severely damaged, and that we needed 24 hours to change it. That's when it gets weird.
    She pokes her husband in the ribs and starts to laugh, "Oh honey, he's trying to make me believe that planes need engines to fly!" The conversation lasted another 10 minutes, during which she insulted me for taking her for a dummy because everyone knows that planes don't fly with engines. She promised me that once back home in Paris, she was going to tell all her friends about this airline and get a lawyer.
    To this day, I imagine this French lady in a Chanel suit, sitting at a typical snotty French dinner and telling her snotty friends the story of the crazy Canadian airline worker who tried to convince her planes flew with engines... @the_berg / Reddit
  • I was flying on very little sleep; with me, I brought a very stuffed carry-on bag. Stuffed enough that the X-ray was inconclusive, so they had to open and inspect it. Knowing that it was so full of clothes, I wanted to warn the security agent that the bag might spring open, spilling its contents about the checkpoint.
    How do I express this warning? "Be careful, sir, it might explode." And then all I could think was, "OMG." Somehow, I got the one agent who had a sense of humor (or pity) and simply asked me, "Do you mean it's very tightly packed?"
    I agreed very vehemently with this interpretation of my words and tried to put my failed attempt at communication behind me. A couple of minutes later, I finished up my business at the checkpoint and proceeded directly to Dunkin' Donuts for some coffee. Probably should have used some caffeine before interacting with other humans that day. @mokomull / Reddit
  • Landing in Orange County, circa 2003, the pilot is on the intercom, "The local time is ___, the weather is currently sunny, and OH, PULL UP!!!!!!!" Full thrusters, and we do a touch-and-go in a big Airbus. Apparently, there was a Cessna landing the wrong way, and we almost collided. The Cessna did crash and go off the runway. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • Waiting at Denver, and the previous flight gets in. The flight crew is the last to get off and say to the oncoming crew, "Good luck with that plane." Ummm, ok.
    As I'm watching, a truck comes and changes one of the tires on the plane. Then they start adding fuel to the plane; they announce that they are adding more fuel because they can't maintain cabin pressure, so they will just fly lower, which requires more fuel. Then, when we are all seated, we are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. They announce they can't get the cargo door closed, so they are literally rocking the plane, trying to slam it shut.
    We finally back up and just sit, and sit, and sit. The pilot comes on and says, "I don't feel safe flying this aircraft," takes us back, and we all get off. We ended up grabbing another flight, but they still sent that plane out 5 hours later! @Rollthembones1989 / Reddit
  • I was really young at this age, around 5, and I would always wander off. I was that type of kid. I walked off. I got lost and couldn’t find my way back. I was walking forever, and it felt like the airport was never-ending.
    I passed a bar but saw a man who looked scarily like my dad. It was a complete match. He saw me, panicked, and ran off. I found a guard, and they helped me back.
    Who was this man who ran off? And why was he scared? I asked my dad about it on the flight, and he simply replied, saying, "I was here the whole time with your mom."
    Every time I walk past that bar, I remember this man. Who was he? @blockii- / Reddit
  • Flying to Spain, we landed, and the pilot said, "Welcome to Alicante, where the local time is 15:00." Everyone was very puzzled, and some people looked scared. We were supposed to be in Malaga...
    Then a cabin crew member had to come on and say, "Sorry, we are actually in Malaga." Worrying, very worrying!! @Unknown author / Reddit
  • We were getting out of the plane when the crew stopped one of the passengers. They said, "Sir, we noticed you didn't have this bag while boarding." They then proceeded to ask around about the owner.
    When no one came forward, they searched the bag and found that the guy had stuffed it full of pillows and blankets from the plane. Apparently, he took his and other passengers, claiming he was going to give them to the flight attendant. Instead, hid them in a bag that was hidden in his suitcase. @lonelyjames98 / Reddit
  • The most outrageous thing I have ever seen on a flight was a grown adult man, in business attire, seated just before the exit row, who decided to skip the “get out of the plane line” BY CLIMBING ACROSS THE TOP OF THE SEATS—over people’s heads. @verylate / Reddit
  • A few months back, I was on a really smooth flight. It landed normally, and we're all just assuming it's done. But no.
    Shortly after landing, it immediately flies back into the air. The whole flight is like, "What is happening?" The pilot says nothing. We fly around in a circle for the next twenty minutes. There's severe turbulence, and everybody is panicking.
    Finally, they bring us back down, and the pilot tells us, "The runway was too short, so we had to come back around and do it again." Which makes sense; he came in too fast.
    But still, it would've saved everyone a lot of fear if they'd gotten a flight attendant or someone to say that earlier. And it kinda terrifies me to think what would have happened if he hadn't caught it and flown back up just in time. @ionlyf*** / Reddit
  • My mom was disabled. She could walk, but not far or fast. So when we traveled, I always had to book transport between gates for her. One day we had a very short layover at Chicago O'Hare. We get off the flight, and there's no wheelchair there for her.
    We wait for a minute, thinking they're running late. No one comes. So we check in with the gate agent, and nothing is booked for us, and no one is available. The gate we need is on the other side of the airport; they won't hold the flight to allow my mom to get over there in time, and there's no wheelchair or cart that can take her.
    So we have to run to the other gate. I'm practically holding my mom up by the end, and she is about to collapse. I am seething with anger at this airline. We manage to get on the flight just before it departs. I get my mom to her seat, and the flight attendant comes over and starts yelling at me, totally unprovoked, about how dare I force my mom to run and how dare I treat her so poorly.
    I'm genuinely surprised I wasn't kicked off that flight because I tore into that flight attendant. It's beyond possible that she yelled at me on a plane full of people about me mistreating my mother, when that's not even close to what happened. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was in Austin, Texas, on my way back to Phoenix, and a man came running up to board with something in the crook of his arm held like a football. He boarded just before me, and when I passed his seat, I discovered that the football-like object was in fact a Costco rotisserie chicken. He proceeded to eat it with his fingers the entire flight back home. @putoutorgetout26 / Reddit
  • [edited] One time during a layover in Phoenix, I was waiting at my gate, just reading my book to pass the time between flights. I suddenly heard that loud screaming, like something heavy and metal was being dragged across the floor, but it is a bit more organic than that. I look up expecting to see someone dragging a metal cabinet, but everything is normal—airport gate status quo.
    I shrug and go back to my book. A few moments later, I hear it again. I look up—nothing stands out once again. Determined to find the source, I keep my eyes trained in the direction the noise comes from.
    I heard it again, kept on looking around, and I eventually found the source. I was shocked to see a woman holding a hairless cat with a vest labeled EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL, and it is HOWLING angrily. She was petting it and soothing it, because of course this cat hated what was going on.
    The irony of the situation was not lost on me—that this woman needed to emotionally support her emotional support animal. I just smirked and went back to my book. @smallof2pieces / Reddit
  • I was getting on a United flight out of Phoenix. The plane was very hot, but other than that, normal boarding and whatnot. The plane was aesthetically a bit worn, but nothing major. Got to my seat, buckled, and started to feel some minor anxiety welling up but calmed it back down.
    A handful of minutes later, BAM, out of nowhere, I started saying, "Mom, we need to get off this plane." I repeated it a few times. She brushed it off and told me to quiet down and stay seated. I eventually stood up and said it louder and more adamantly/urgently/panicked. FA came over, and I was in full fight/flight/freeze mode.
    She asked what the problem was. I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "I need off this plane NOW. Something's wrong. I gotta get off of here. We all need off of here." At this point, I had zero control over what I was saying. I just kept repeating myself.
    She told me I could get off the plane, but I'd be stuck in Phoenix by myself unless my mom and grandma deplaned too. My mom was very embarrassed. Grandma was starting to get heat sick. They made it clear they weren't, and I'd be in a lot of trouble with my dad when we got home if I got off the plane.
    I sat down after a minute or two and bawled my damn eyes out, physically shaking. We eventually started backing out of the gate. Maybe 30 seconds and like 10 feet back later (IDK the actual number of feet; it wasn't very far, though), all the power we could see in the cabin went out. Air too. FAs were talking and went up to the cockpit.
    A bit later, they announced that we'd be getting pulled back to the gate. That the cockpit had lost all power and secondary power, and their instruments were all down. IDK what technical stuff actually happened. I've been told this wasn't supposed to be possible. All I know is whatever primary and backup systems the plane had totally failed, and I've never seen that level of concern from FAs before.
    We got back to the gate, and as we were deplaning, I'll never forget the look the FA gave me that originally told me to sit down. She looked like she saw a ghost, and I was the ghost. I was JUST as weirded out as she was.
    I was a little nervous to get on the new plane a few hours later, but ultimately felt a sense of calm once I actually got on board. I'm not claiming anything paranormal or anything like that. It was just a weird thing that happened. @HairyPotatoKat / Reddit

However, it's not only airports that are the source of wild and ridiculous stories. Sometimes an ordinary doctor visit may take awkwardness to a whole new level.

Preview photo credit smallof2pieces / Reddit


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