15 Women Who Prove That Makeup Is Such a Powerful Tool

10 months ago

Skillful hands and good makeup work wonders in giving us a refreshing new look. Whether opting for a subtle touch or a striking bold statement, makeup suits everyone and every event, and that’s what makes it so popular. Just by looking at how different the women on our list appear, we are reminded of the transformative power of makeup. However, we also have to say they looked great even without anything on their faces.

1. “Indian Festival of Colors-Inspired Makeup Look.”

2. “Makeup is magical!”

3. A stunning makeover

4. “Bridesmaid makeup transformation.”

5. “The power of smokey eyes.”

6. “Before/After: Christmas Eve.”

7. “Classic smokey eye: Before & After.”

8. “Before and After.”

9. “Minimal transformation with a loud lip.”

10. “Feeling the green looks lately!”

11. “My first Before & After post!”

12. “I did my mom’s makeup. She was shocked when she saw herself.”

13. “Makeup does magic.”

14. “I did my grandmother’s makeup!”

15. “First time my mom lets me do a full-face makeover on her.”

Comment: This literally makes me excited to wear makeup as an older woman.

While makeup can boost our confidence, there’s also something liberating and fabulous about having a bare face with nothing on. The glow that these celebrities exude without any makeup reminds us that being comfortable in our skin is the most important thing.


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