15+ Inspiring Stories About People Who Are Teachers by Nature

When planning a holiday, we always hope that our trip will be as comfortable as possible and we do everything we can to avoid any incidents. But, as you'll surely agree, life often makes adjustments to even the most carefully thought-out plans. At best, those surprises can be merely annoying. At worst, they can turn all of your expectations upside down.
Bright Side has collected stories in which internet users share their most memorable experiences of road trips and holidays abroad and simply describe their travel preparations.
There's a cleaner working in our office. Her salary is nothing spectacular. She usually comes in the afternoons and proceeds to mop the floors, always wearing the same outfit. The woman has a son and a grandson, but they live separately and as far as I know, she doesn't support them financially. She's not very good at her job, but that's not too surprising. Anyway, she's famous among our staff for having visited most of Europe several times already. She's also been to Egypt, Tunisia, the Emirates, and many other places. On average, our cleaner goes on trips abroad 4 times a year. Right now, she's on another voyage to Egypt. As for me, I'm sitting at my desk, thinking, "What have I done wrong with my life? My salary is twice as big, yet I've never been abroad!" ©Lirica
Have you ever had any bizarre travel experiences? For example, realizing that you've left your passport and plane tickets at home half an hour before departure? Share with us in the comments below!