15+ cats that couldn’t care less about public opinion

year ago

Leave it to us humans to feel conscious about the picture we present to our neighbors. Cats have none of these worries. Nature made them perfect, and they know it!

We at Bright Side never cease to be amazed by these fluffy creatures that have no problems with being themselves. Today, we’re happy to present you with 17 amazing observations that prove beyond a doubt that cats have every reason to feel special!

Cats consider themselves paragons of logic

Everything a cat does is right, useful, and to the point.

Cats never resort to cheap theatrics

Their emotions are always straightforward and honest.

Cats possess total self-confidence

If you don’t agree, refer to paragraph #1.

A cat’s time is never wasted

You never know — your furry friend might be working on a dissertation on cardboard box geometry at this very moment!

Cats are always ready to face the limelight

Being stunning 24/7 is a science in its own right.

Cats are experts in comfort

Believe it or not, they really find this position cozy!

Cats always find the most optimal route

Even though it might not always look like it.

Cats do everything their own way

Because they know what’s best for them!

Cats never pursue unachievable goals

They always have some kind of plan — it’s just that we often fail to see it.

Cats fit in every interior

And add a touch of glamour to any surface.

Cats think all their actions through in advance

To us, this might look like an accident waiting to happen. From the cat’s point of view, the lamp clearly clashes with the room’s decor.

These noble animals are always ready to offer a helping paw

It’s all about being involved.

Cats are in total control of their emotions

’Scared? Not me. I’ve just ascended to a new level of Zen.’

Cats know a thing or two about having fun

Unlike us, they don’t overcomplicate things.

Cats defy the laws of physics

Jean-Claude Van Damme, this is way out of your league!

And finally — cats are 100% certain of their uniqueness

Who are we to doubt them?!

Preview photo credit twitter.com


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