We all try to think everything through to avoid problems. But even the most analytical minds can’t predict everything.
We at Bright Side think that it’s better to treat difficulties with humor because it’s easier to deal with problems this way.
3. “I’ll do the dishes tomorrow.”
4. “The view from my apartment when I moved in vs Now”

Ohhhh, SNAP! So sorry - truly - but more and more people move into the USA, the more apartments will SPRING UP! Sigh. Sorry...
5. “Holds up to (but not quite) 1,000 pounds.”
6. My friend was cooking a frozen pizza
7. “Touched my hot glass stovetop with a microfiber towel. It won’t come off.”
8. “Someone flying out of DFW is going to have a rough time in a few hours.”
9. “When your dad tells you to cover the oak before it rains, so you tell your younger brother to cover the oak before it rains.”
10. “Just bought my first house. Was told there was hardwood under all the carpet.”

I do believe it can be refurbished ..lots of work though ... good luck
“Tested a discreet corner in the closet, which did in fact have hardwood beneath. But not the living room.”
11. “Locked my door and ran outside my apartment in a hurry, keys got caught inside”
12. “Housemate’s dog got into my 6-hour Butter Chicken. No dinner for me tonight.”
13. “It seems I’m the only one who commuted into the office today. Maybe there’s a memo out there that I didn’t receive.”
14. “Bought these binoculars specifically to go to the Grand Canyon today.”
15. “Read the weather forecast before casting concrete steps.”
16. “Apparently 2 hours early wasn’t early enough.”
17. “How I went to see my parents”
Do you have any stories about how something unpredictable happened to you?