17 Warm Stories About Pets Who Come to Rescue Any Time

4 months ago

Pets, cats and dogs, not only give us warmth and joy, but also help us cope with difficulties and sometimes even save lives. Whether it’s support on a difficult day, the ability to sense danger, or quiet comfort when it’s needed most, animals do their best to help us. This article proves the care and loyalty that they give us don’t depend on species, size or breed.

  • My father died, but when I was 12, my mum remarried. I had a good relationship with my stepfather, but I often thought that he was too tough, like a biker-rocker with principles. At 16, I fell in love, my mum was hysterical and forbade it, I threatened to run away. But my stepdad said, “Go out with him on the condition that you take my dog with you.”
    He had a pit bull who was kind and didn’t guard at all. But the guy got scared and flipped out when we were alone at my house. I was really offended then. And now I am married to a great man and I realize that both stepfather and the dog kept me safe from douchebags© Overheard — They’re talking about you here / VK
  • I had just got dumped by my long-term girlfriend and was crying on my bed alone in my room. My tiny little dog saw me cry for the first time and grabbed all of her toys and put them in a pile at my feet to try and get me to take them and play with them, so I felt better. She’s lovely! © Silvenx / Reddit
  • My parents had a dog named Charlie who was absolutely terrified of the vacuum cleaner. But after I was born, any time my mother vacuumed, Charlie would stand steadfast between me and the vacuum cleaner. “Trembling in every limb,” my mother says, but determined to protect baby-me from the monster. © SBooth / Quora
  • I got my cat, Pikachu, when he was 3 weeks old. I took care of him, bottle-fed him, and he became my “shadow.” One night, he started running all over me, growling. I thought it was the garbage truck because for some reason he always growled at the garbage truck. So I fell to sleep again.
    Then he woke me up again running all over me and growling, this time I smelled burning rubber and I got up and open the door to check and there was smoke. My SUV caught fire in the garage. We all got out in time. © Teresita Gonzalez / Quora
  • I had a hell of a backache, I couldn’t stand up or sit down, I could only move in a bent position with my arms resting on something. I was lying down all day, my husband was at work. At one point, I had to go to the toilet. In the room I could move by leaning against furniture, but in the corridor there was only a cupboard, so no support for me.
    And the dog immediately came up to my leg. Well, I tried to lean on his shoulders with my hands, and it worked. And that’s how he took me to the toilet, with small steps. And back. Somehow, he realized that I needed help. I can’t even imagine what I would do without him in such a delicate situation. © Asakavi / Pikabu
  • When we got my dog, my son was about 7. The dog is a Malinois/Heeler mix. She was my son’s birthday present that year. She was just a few months old, and we took her to the river near our place. We played in the water and everything, and she loved it.
    When she first saw my son go out into the water, she freaked out and ran in after him. She grabbed him by his wrist, then his shirt, then his shorts. At first, it was a bit weird, but then we realized... She was trying to save him. She was trying to grab onto him so she could pull him out of the water. © JustGimmeAnyOldName / Reddit
  • Our family dog is the softest, gentlest dog in the world. One day, I was wrestling with my nephew on the floor, and he let out a high-pitched cross between a screech and a laugh as I tickled him. This dog was on top of my nephew and barking in my face before you could blink.
    Doesn’t matter that I’m the person who raised her since a pup and that she’ll let me do anything to her (including having to once retrieve a thorn from the inside of her mouth). No one was “hurting” her boy whilst she was around. © Successful-Owl-3076 / Reddit
  • When my son was about 2 years old, I was a young and fairly careless mum. We often walked in the yard of our building, in a quiet neighborhood. There were few people there and few cars. And I somehow relaxed and didn’t notice how my quick little boy ran ahead of me to get to the sandpit faster.
    And suddenly I see a man on an electric scooter speeding toward him. And I realize that I’m not going to make it in time, and they’re going to collide. Out of nowhere, a neighbor’s German Shepherd comes running out, grabs my boy by his jacket and literally drags him away. The kid fell down, got frightened, but the collision was avoided.
    Since that day I became much more attentive, I hold my son’s hand wherever we go. And the same evening we brought the neighbor’s Berta a whole basket of bones and balls, adored by her. And we think that when our son grows up, we will get a German Shepherd too.
  • My mum had a cute little cat who slept on her bed, but never pestered her at night. One day, my mum woke up to the cat desperately scratching her chest. Mum felt her heart was not well, called for help and was taken to hospital and treated. Undoubtedly, little Jenny saved her life that night. © Drena Bowerman / Quora
  • We were on a family walk that required us to jump across rocks to the other side of a river. Not deep or very fast. My boxer dog only got across a few rocks and was scared to go any further, no matter what we tried he just wouldn’t follow.
    Then I laid on one of the rocks held onto the edge and pretended to in a struggle, I shouted help. The determination in my pooch was so sweet, he hopped along the rocks and came running up to me to give me the kiss of life. That day, in his mind, he saved me from a savage death. © sleepydad*** / Reddit
  • When my son was little, I went out to the balcony and the toddler slammed the door behind me. I don’t have my phone with me, it’s 9 p.m., my husband won’t be home for another hour. The child, who has never been left alone in the room, was frightened and cried.
    And then our German Shepherd, Dana, who was forbidden to go anywhere but the corridor and the living room (I was afraid that the dog could hurt the child if he pulled her tail or ears, and I also didn’t want to constantly clean the hair), heard my son’s crying and began to howl in response. I shouted, “Dana, you can come in!” And the dog understood, came in, started licking the baby, and he quieted down.
    Then Dana lay down on the floor, my son settled right on top of her and, after 5 minutes, fell asleep. The dog lay still and looked at me through the glass. So we sat like that until my husband came in and let me go.
    We moved our son to his cot and gave Dana a huge piece of juicy beef and moved her bed to our bedroom. I realized that I was wrong and that her hair was nothing while Dana was a full member of our family. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • Before video baby monitors, I had a cat named Petey. My daughter was about 4 months old. I was working in the office at 1:00 am in the morning when my cat, Petey, walks in. He is nipping at my toes, and I was getting mad. I finally had a moment to do some work, and he keeps nipping me, which is not like him.
    I finally get up thinking he wants a snack but as I go up one flight of stairs into the kitchen, he keeps going up and if I don’t follow he comes to attack my toes. I poured some snacks in the floor and he ignored them. I decide to follow him up another set of stairs. And he goes into the nursery. I even whispered, “You better not wake her.”
    He runs and jumps into the bassinet and is meowing so loud. I recall that I was getting mad at him because he was going to wake the baby up. I look at my daughter and she is making gurgling noises. She was choking on spit up! I immediately spring into action. She was okay, and we discovered she had stomach acid issues and changed formula.
    If it wasn’t for Petey who passed away last year at the age of 16, I wouldn’t have been celebrating my daughter’s sweet 16 a few days ago. We always talk about how Petey saved her life. He did this on more than one occasion after that for myself and my daughter. The best cat in the world was good old Petey. © Prestigious_Dust_699 / Reddit
  • My grandfather had a small dog called Shpulka — an ordinary mutt. She loved me very much for some reason, although we didn’t see each other very often. Once we were walking with her near our house, and there is the neighbor’s Doberman, without a muzzle and leash. And this thing dashes at me with unclear intentions. And I’m about 6 years old.
    And then Shpulka gets off the leash, rushes across Doberman’s path, and barks at him. He was stunned — apparently such a little thing had never barked at him. He turned to her, and Shpulka ran off into the gardens. The Doberman followed her, and we followed the Doberman.
    And then the little one slips through the iron fence, the dog doesn’t have time to slow down and crashes headlong into it — the sound was almost bell-like. He never attacked other dogs again, and then he disappeared from our street. © RiaCorsa / Pikabu
  • My cat has a temper. None of my boyfriends could get along with him, but he accepted my future husband. But when our daughter was 3, he began to mess up with my husband who tolerated it at first, but then told me to give the cat away.
    I started looking for a new family for him but suddenly I found out that my husband cheated on me with a coworker. And it all started when the cat started pissing on his things. He was giving me signs, but I didn’t understand them at first. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • We had a difficult financial period. My husband and I went for a walk with the dog. We were discussing how to live for a week until payday. I said, “And Dashka’s out of food.”
    And then Dashka started digging the snow and found money. So, thanks to Dashka, we lived for a week — and she had enough food! © Eugenia B / Dzen
  • I lost a necklace with a family charm on it while walking/playing with my black lab puppy. We were living on a boat at the time, so we walked the same spot, side of the road daily. About a week later, while walking, the pup stopped dead in her tracks, refused to move. She kept pushing her nose into the grass and barking, I reached down into the turf, and there was my necklace! © Theohio***** / Reddit
  • When I moved in with my husband, we got a dog from a shelter. We all walked together around the city, took different routes, went into all sorts of nooks and crannies. My husband had been living there since childhood, and I didn’t really follow the road. They lead me and that’s fine. Then one day I decided to go for a walk alone with my dog.
    I got lost. I got into some yard, and didn’t know where to go. I left my phone at home and could remember only my parents’ address out of fright. I commanded the dog, “Home!” and my fluffy friend led me out. And I, as it turned out, was on the other end of the town. © Shuni1423 / Pikabu

Would you like to know what James Bond’s pet companions could look like? Check out this article.

Preview photo credit Mamdarinka / VK


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