15 People Who Couldn’t Care Less About Being the “Employee of the Month”

year ago

We all can sometimes cheat at work for different reasons. But today’s characters came across people who have definitely crossed the line and left behind results of their work that made the whole Internet laugh.

The Bright Side team apologizes for our own rare mistakes and wants you to look at those who would better off turning themselves in.

“This guy probably hates people and his job.”

“Ordered a cheeseburger with only ketchup. This is what I got.”

“I didn’t even know this was possible.”

“I have no idea what floor I’m on...”

“Made that $15 salad, boss.”

“This misprinted Patient Consent Form I got from my eye doctor.”

“So am I supposed to climb the gas pipe?”

“I fixed the handle, boss.”

“Our municipality finally made bike lanes for us!”

“Ordered a new chlorinator for the pool, the instructions came on VHS.”

“Boyfriend decided to try out a new hairdresser.”

“When you customize the order it defaults to no cheese and no sauce.”

“Every time I do the dishes, I’m switching the light on and off.”

“I have no clue how this even happened.”

“Poor Elsa was fearlessly and wonderfully made.”

Bonus: Twitter user’s opinion

What examples of such work have you seen?

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit BoBasil / Reddit


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