Animals know exactly what they want. If they need food or your attention right this instant, they will get it. Your pet may look at you with its pitty eyes or just block the TV while you are watching your favorite show. Any trick can work to portray their demanding skills.
1. “He cared about the bird feeder and was pissed that it was empty.”
2. “My mother-in-law met this enthusiastic fellow at a Virginia safari park last weekend.”
3. “She rolled over and waited before I could finish asking her owner if I could give her a pat.”
4. “My black lab, demanding treats from the neighbors”
6. “Pay attention to me!”
7. “We need to look outside.”
8. “Give me the cat food!”
9. “This man tries to break into every house in the neighborhood.”
10. “Alfalfa got upset that he wasn’t the center of attention last night.”
11. “Human, I demand your tasty oats.”
12. “Cats do it on principle, right?”
13. “Our cat, Kimchi, demands to be held while he’s being served his snacks.”
14. “This is how my derpy Frenchie begs for my snacks.”
15. It looks like this cat dictates the rules in this house.
16. “Attention! I’m sleeping. Please do not disturb!”
17. “I installed a bell so the pups can let me know when they want to go out. They ring it whenever they want to demand treats.”
18. “Demanding breakfast” Oh my goodness look at those kitties!
19. ’’Asked a local artist to do a painting of my dog.’’ Is your pet spoiled? How does your pet show that it wants something?
Please note : This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.