12 “Blink and You’ll Miss It” Pictures

year ago

One of your blinks usually last 100 to 150 milliseconds and you can blink up to 5 times a second. So, in the time that you are awake, the average viewing time you miss blinking is up to several hours. And there is a lot of stuff going on while you have your eyes closed.

We at Bright Side fight hard for you to not miss the most lovely ephemeral moments of life, so we can’t keep this “fleeting moments list” from our readers!

1. The beard agrees with her.

2. A still image of a car the moment before being dropped into the water

3. Furry bullet

4. The last bubble bender

5. Surprise!

6. Why, hello there!

7. Seems yummy

8. The dangers of a beach wedding

9. Permission to land! Permission to land!

10. The photo I took of me and my girlfriend looks like Photoshop.

11. Look out!

12. Ouch

Which one of those made you hold your breath? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below!

Preview photo credit Veltem / reddit


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