18 Famous Parents and Children Whose Resemblance Is Visible, Even From Space

5 years ago

Even before the birth of a child, parents start to argue about who they are going to look like. And once the baby comes into the world, the heated discussions about their appearance flare up again. Celebrity families are no exception here. However, it seems that the heroes of this collection have never thought to question their resemblance.

We at Bright Side have found 18 celebrity parent-child duos that will make you believe in the power of genetics once again.

At the end of the article, there are bonus photos of Liv Tyler and her daughter at the same age.

Milla Jovovich and Ever Anderson

Gordon Ramsay and Jack Ramsay

Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd

Frances Fisher and Francesca Eastwood

Liam (Oasis) Gallagher and Lennon Gallagher

Dolph Lundgren and Ida Lundgren

Dennis Quaid and Jack Quaid

Michelle Monaghan and Willow Katherine White

Donald Sutherland and Kiefer Sutherland

Eugene Levy and Dan Levy

Jessica Simpson and Maxwell Drew Johnson

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baena

Jennifer Lopez and Emme Maribel Anthony

Steve Irwin and Robert Irwin

Lea Thompson and Madelyn Deutch

Roger Taylor (Queen) and Rufus Taylor

John Lennon with Paul McCartney and Sean Lennon with James McCartney

Bonus: Liv Tyler as a child and her daughter Lula Rose Gardner at the same age

And who do you resemble, your father or mother?


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Keifer definitely looks exactly like his dad, Donald. Especially as he ages. Both are handsome & amazing actors


I mean when you are the son/daughter and you copy the hairstyle there is a big chance you look like your father/mother no?


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