18 People Who Got Exactly What They Ordered

year ago

People say that the eyes eat before the mouth when it comes to food. When a dish is well presented, you immediately want to taste it. However, when you buy packaged food, often what is shown on the package is not exactly what is inside. This happens on many occasions, but other times the opposite is accurate, and we will prove it to you.

1. “My expectations were met.”

2. “Exceeded my expectations!”

3. “The cake I found on Pinterest vs. The one my friend was able to make.”

4. “Exceeded expectations.”

5. “I was pleasantly surprised!”

6. “Shout out to good frozen pizza.”

7. “Polish cookie exceeded expectations.”

8. “Dunkin Avocado Toast. Was pleasantly surprised!”

9. “Finally, some good food.”

10. “Blue Bunny did good!”

11. “Almost exactly the same.”

12. “The ice cream machine worked.”

13. “Pleasantly surprised by this fruit tart.”

14. “Bought ice cream for my little sister!”

15. “My two nieces have the same birthday. My sister made cakes for her daughter and our sister’s daughter. They will be so happy!”

16. “Pleasantly surprised!”

17. “Surprisingly similar to the photo, for a dollar store find. Not too bad!”

18. “The most accurate burger I’ve ever had. Could’ve used more onion rings, though.”

Have you ever been disappointed with a product because what you received was not what you were originally offered? Feel free to share your experience in the comments!


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