18 People Who Have Problem Solving in Their DNA

3 years ago

There are things in life that we’ve become so accustomed to that we never imagined they could be upgraded. Well, not until some very imaginative people showed us how to solve big and small everyday problems like a pro.

Bright Side brings you 18 clever (and sometimes a bit crazy) inventions that can inspire creativity in anyone.

1. Who would think that this could actually work.

2. ’’My friend got tired of his kids losing the remotes’’

3. This brilliant teacher put a QR code to a YouTube video containing homework instructions on this math worksheet.

4. ’’New safe browsing accessory’’

5. Whoever designed this biker jacket with signal lights is a pure genius.

6. ’’I forgot my fork at home...does this count as a hack?’’

7. ’’I trusted my husband to clean up from Christmas last year. This is what I discovered. Life hack or lazy?’’

8. If only grandma knew her advice was a hit on the internet.

9. ’’My dentist has a ’Where’s Waldo?’ ceiling panel to keep patients entertained during appointments.’’

10. Lack of clothesline space is no longer an issue for this imaginative person.

11. A quick fix for a broken office chair

12. String your chains and necklaces through a straw to prevent them from tangling.

13. ’’My mom is always complaining about the smell in my teenage brother’s room. She walked in his room to find his solution.’’

14. A simple solution for carrying a big load of groceries in one go without ever having to use a bag again. Just buy your own bin.

15. ’’Hotel I’m staying at has a separate towel for taking off makeup.’’

16. The designer of this toilet paper that comes with a smaller, on-the-go roll deserves an ingenuity medal.

17. This creative person should be a car engineer.

18. “I am a metalsmith and thus my nails and fingertips look awful. So I tried making myself some fingertip nail rings.”

Have you ever been forced to come up with an unconventional solution for an everyday problem? Share your inventions with us in the comments.

Preview photo credit beenbannedb4/imgur


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