19 Family Members You Wouldn’t Wish on Your Enemies

Family & kids
3 days ago

Disliking your family is an emotion many people experience and there are many reasons you might be feeling this way, too. Neglect, toxic behavior, negativity, and disrespect are a few of the most common situations among family members. Let’s see the crazy stories people shared online and show why you don’t always have to be close to your family.

  • Get ready for a doozy: For me, it’s my dad getting a 125k loan to “renovate” our house, but in reality, pocketed some of it, got my stepmom a new car, booked multiple cruises, and straight up lying to my Abuela about the money when asked about. I was mad at him when he said he used some of the money to book my high school graduation cruise, a cruise I didn’t even want in the first place. @B**bing-soda / Reddit
  • My sister invites our mother to go to Turkey for a holiday. The mother always says, “You don’t understand, I’m 70 years old, it’s hard for me, I can’t do it!” But the funny thing is that our parents work in the garden every single day to grow organic potatoes that no one needs. And all this is under the pretext, “Well, we have to exercise, it’s our hobby!” © Nachtwandler70 / Pikabu
  • A man I know told me that his student son said he wanted to live separately. He said he’s an adult now and doesn’t want to live with parents. Okay. They live in a big city and have an empty apartment in the suburbs (the tenants have moved out).
    They say, “Live there, find a job. We have nothing against it.” But the son says that he expects his parents to rent him an apartment in the city and pay for his expenses. The father refused, so now he is enemy number one. © LisOpus / Pikabu
  • My dad once made a rocking horse for my niece. He carved it out of several pieces of wood, hand braided the tail and mane out of rope that he painstakingly unwound, and hand painted it.
    It was a beautiful toy that would have lasted for generations.
    One day, her father was too lazy to go out and chop wood, so he smashed it up and threw it into the fire. © dewright23 / Reddit
  • I watched a relative take a ring off the finger of her father who had just died and put it on her own finger in front of her mother who was aghast. I figure that in the last moments that her father was alive, she was thinking about taking that ring. Her mother later told me that she did not know how to react or what to say. It was a telling moment. @zinneavicious / Reddit
  • My husband and I have our phones on silent until at least 10 a.m. on weekends. So, we’re sleeping. Suddenly, I wake up to the sound of my husband pulling on shorts and a T-shirt. Immediately, the intercom rings. I ask him, “Who is it?” He replies, “Police.”
    It turns out that my mom sent me a screenshot of the water meter in messenger at 7 or 8 a.m. And 2 ticks didn’t appear. She started calling me at 8 a.m., but my phone died overnight. She called my husband, and his phone was on silent.
    He read her message that he had to open the door to the police because they were helping to search her missing child only at 10 a.m. To say I was angry is an understatement. We are 37 years old. © Zosia1987 / Pikabu
  • I had a client years ago who was living with her grandparents and raised by them from birth and when she came out, they kicked her out and she was homeless living on the streets. They wouldn’t let her in the house and would rather her be living on the streets than under their roof. It was heartbreaking. I hope she’s doing well, I haven’t heard from her in a while. @Grand-Programmer6292 / Reddit
  • I stopped inviting my son’s friend over because his mother had so many rules. He could not eat hot dogs or grapes — a choking hazard. No hamburgers at restaurants or at our house because they might not be cooked through. No playing outside without an adult present to watch. This was through sixth grade, even.
    I could go on, she’d email us during the school pancake feed fundraiser, to tell us that she was watching and thought they probably kept the batter cold enough to prevent salmonella, so it’s okay that our son ate the pancakes. That kind of thing. The great thing is, her kid was really pretty normal. In contrast, I invited another friend over for him, and they were outside monkeying around and got a kite caught in the tree.
    His mom came to get him, saw it up there, scoffed at their efforts to fish it out with a rake, and ordered her son to climb up and get it. He hesitated, and she was like, “Get up there!” So he scrabbled up there like a monkey while I thought, “Yes, this is a normal childhood.” © FeatofClay / Reddit
  • Our family have a huge problem, and we don’t know what to do. My husband’s father did a DNA test for an unknown reason, and it turned out that he is not my husband’s biological father. My husband is now 32, I am 29 years old.
    My mother-in-law did not deny it, but replied something like, “Who cares what happened 30 years ago! Do I have to remember everything? After all, the main thing is that I loved you all these 30 years. Don’t you care about that?”
    She is a good woman, she and her husband have always lived in love and harmony. But now my father-in-law wants a divorce. My husband is angry with his father and resentful of his mother. They all text him and complain about each other. What should we do? I’m in shock. © Overheard / VK
  • My grandfather had a secret marriage from twenty years ago, that he’d kept secret from us forever. We found out on his deathbed when his wife called asking about him. @The_Null_Field / Reddit
  • My uncle died of cancer. The morning he died, my cousin (who I barely know) called my mom and demanded to see his will because she believed she was in it. She was not his daughter and barely saw him. My mom was too busy crying to take her call. My dad told her not to call again. And no, she was not in the will. @Bergyfanclub / Reddit
  • Once, my mum and I were staying with my aunt when I was about 5 years old. And one day my aunt thought I had stolen her money. There was an envelope in a book, and then it was gone. Who is guilty? Surely me!
    Oh, how much they tortured me, asked a million questions. In a couple of weeks, I even started to believe that I’d stolen the envelope, but I forgot where I put it. Mum even threatened me with the police.
    And when we were already on the train going home, my aunt called my mother and said in an innocent voice, “Oh, I was looking through my books and found the envelope in one of them. And I forgot that I had put it there myself.” My mother, of course, apologized to me for this. But I couldn’t trust her anymore. © NEET*** / Pikabu
  • My mother-in-law thinks that my husband should personally dig her vegetable garden and plant potatoes. When he timidly tried to object that he could hire a helper for her, she said, “What are you for then if you don’t want to do anything?” The husband calmly got into the car and drove home.
    A month and a half of complete silence. No calls, no messages. She is not interested in grandchildren. But it’s been so peaceful, words can’t describe it. © WendyMage / Pikabu
  • I can honestly answer on just about every family member I have but my aunt in particular is a real piece of work. She was married once and in that marriage terrorized her husband and 2 of the 3 kids from that marriage. The husband finally got the courage to leave then was slapped with false charges.
    She then went on to marry her current husband who knows the consequences and just endures it. She has a new favorite child since her boy died and the other child from that relationship is basically Cinderella. On top of that, she was one to cheer when my dad was hurting my mother and fought my mother while she was pregnant with me because she felt like it. @notsurewhattodo898 / Reddit
  • My grandma and grandpa currently can’t walk or do much, so they need someone to take care of them. Lo and behold, my aunt volunteers. I really trusted her with them, but recently, I figured out she was just using them for money, because apparently she gets paid to take care of them, and according to my grandma, my aunt isn’t even good at taking care of them. This is one of the reasons why I hate my aunt.
    My uncle though, even though has a really really messed up back from injuries, works himself to take care of my grandma and grandpa, making sure to feed them when needed and such. My grandma says that when she finds a caretaker because she doesn’t want my uncle to overwork himself, she’s gonna make my aunt get out of our lives. My aunt also talked crap about my side of the family too and that also ticked me off, so yea. @weird-gemini / Reddit
  • I have a brother. When I had my baby, he invited me, saying, “We have some stuff left over for the baby. Come and see if there’s anything you need.” So I did. His wife brought a very shabby stroller (I already had a stroller, but that’s not the point).
    The point is that they offered me to buy it, and also to buy used baby hats, onesies and so on. I politely declined, saying we have everything. But I still feel ashamed for my family. © aleale2019 / Pikabu
  • Disown their child for something incredibly petty. My aunt was...a piece of work, to put it mildly. One of her daughters fell in love with a guy who was not a doctor, lawyer, or otherwise “successful” person. He was a high school coach, and a great guy, but not “of good stock” or whatever. When they got married, my aunt literally cut her daughter out of the family photos. At one point she even held up a doctored photo and said “Look at my four beautiful daughters.” She had five. My cousin and her “unworthy” husband are still married 40 years later. @gogojack / Reddit
  • Dad: “So they diagnosed you with depression and anxiety? By definition, those two things would cancel themselves out. You won’t be going back.” I was 13.
    Mom: She told me over and over while growing up, “You can ALWAYS come home! No matter what, you can always come home!” I was 22, lost my job, and could not find another with enough hours. We went out to lunch, and I spilled my guts and how ashamed I was at failing. She looked me dead in the face and said, “Tell me how that turns out.” I slept under a bridge for 3 months. @Hobo_Knife / Reddit
  • One of my brothers drove his girlfriend to anorexia with constant snide comments about her weight. She was already very, very skinny. @MadJohnFinn / Reddit

Family issues are often very hard to deal with and this woman had a horrible experience with her ex-husband when he prioritized his new family instead of their child. She gave him a lesson he won’t forget.

Preview photo credit Hobo_Knife / Reddit


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