What the heck😂😂
19 Grandparents Whose Wittiness and Sense of Humor Can Even Make the Queen’s Guard Crack a Smile
They say elderly people are like kids — they’re just as vulnerable, fragile, and spontaneous. Moreover, our grandparents can easily make us shed a tear of tenderness and cause kind laughter by their actions. And they’re always eager to have us visit them and show tender care for their loved ones.
Grandparents astound Bright Side with their straight-forwardness, sense of humor, and personal outlook on things. As a bonus, we’ve prepared a couple of stories about grannies that can outperform young people in their ability to amaze.
“A 76-year-old retired Air Force colonel is no match for his 4-year-old granddaughter.”
“My parents sent me this from their retirement community today.”
“My great-aunt uses her old television as a stand for her new one.”
It happens every time.
“My grandfather’s stories are the most interesting.”
At your granny’s house
News that’s really important

“My grandpa has a case for his sauces.”
“Thank you, Grandma!”
“My granny’s cutting board that she has been using for 30 years to cook homemade dishes”
“I’ve explained to my granny how she can increase the size of the text several times already. She feels more comfortable doing it this way.”
“My sweet grandma wanted me to take a pic before I fixed her sunglasses because we all thought it was hilarious.”
“My grandma knits for us and got my grandpa to be her model.”
“My grandfather built a floating dock for turtles in the lake by their house, and the turtles love it!”
“This is how our granny invites us for a cup of tea!”
“Didn’t have any aloe for my sunburn, so my grandma gave me this bottle from over 20 years ago.”
Grandmothers are such grandmothers!
A very inventive granny, indeed!
“We have a mysterious box in our family. My mom would say, smiling, ’It’s a dowry from your granny.’ I was 7 or 8 years old then. Now I’m 27 and I’ve run out of patience and unpacked the box.”
Bonus: users’ stories
My granny is simply incredible. I was working hard in our summer house, picking fallen apples. When I finished and was about to leave, my granny came to me and said, “Wait a sec!” and started to shake a tree branch, mysteriously giggling at the same time. © Overheard / VK
I was a very shy girl and got my first boyfriend at the age of 18. We didn’t have a serious relationship — we just walked together and flirted. All of my family members were happy for me, apart from my granny, who claimed that it wasn’t appropriate to behave like this before a wedding and that she would never dare do it. Her words were hurting me greatly until the moment my mom told me that at the age of 16, my granny had an affair with a married man and broke up his family, and then she got pregnant and aborted the pregnancy. Then she married my granddad at the age of 18. © Overheard / VK
Which of these situations reminded you of your grandparents?
Poor last granny 😔

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