19 People Prove That Knitting Isn’t Something That Only Grandmothers Do

4 years ago

To become the owner of something that is a truly unique thing, you don’t need to run around fashion boutiques. The people from this article just needed their knitting tools. After a certain amount of work, they have a new piece of clothing! And most importantly, this piece of clothing is made with love and it holds the warmth of the hands that made it.

It seems that we at Bright Side all need warm sweaters and blankets made of different colored yarn. And the girl from the bonus can even knit using silver!

“I made my first human sweater and couldn’t let Lizzie miss out on the fun.”

“I can’t stop laughing at these knitted shorts, they look so ridiculously bad! And my daughter is really embarrassed.”

“Knitted this sweater for my daughter.”

“I have a love-hate relationship with black yarn.”

“Knitted a blue and bronze Ravenclaw scarf!”

“Working on some Valentines socks.”

“So proud of my mom and her designs.”

“I’m a guy who normally knits socks and scarves and hats for my family. I finally knit a sweater for myself.”

“My first colorwork sock is turning out very cute!”

“Here is my dad wearing his sweater! I am so happy with how it fits!”

“I made a sweater for sitting on the beach on a chilly evening.”

“Pair of gloves I knit for a friend. He needs exactly these gloves and they’re hard to buy in a store.”

“Love it when I can wear my knitting while working.”

“About 9 months ago, my husband asked me to teach him to knit. I present to you, a washcloth that was finally bound off today.”

“A year later, I finally finished my hue shift.”

“After knitting only for others, I finally rewarded myself with a simple cashmere hat.”

“I made a cloak! Bonus: It goes well with elf ears!”

“10 days ago I decided to learn to knit and here’s the result.”

“I knitted a beanie that is accidentally Bert.”

Bonus: “I knit a silver chain with a sewing needle”

In your opinion, what is better — something made in a factory or with your own hands? Do you like wearing clothes that are unique and that nobody else has?

Preview photo credit ehnej / reddit


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Love the beanie of Bert... They should make one of big bird too. And I mean I'm sure grandmothers could knit some cool stuff too


The gentleman who said he normally knits things for his family, but made himself a sweater. Wow!! That's gorgeous!! He's a pro! Those beautiful scarves with the birds and stuff. I'm so inspired.


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