20 Animals With a Unique Feature That Are Amazing in Their Imperfection

4 years ago

It’s always important to celebrate differences, not only in humans, but in animals as well. From a dog with a quirky face to a unique-colored possum, we should always look at these types of animals as special rather than weird, and embrace their uniqueness.

Bright Side created a list of 20 special and interesting animals with unique features that made them stand out from others.

1. Quirkiest and most interesting dog face

2. This gorilla has unique human-like fingers

3. Is this a dog or a unicorn?

4. “Elli was born with tuxedo markings and turned almost completely white after 3 years due to vitiligo.”

5. The most adorable face from a dog who’s really loved

6. This bird has the fanciest curls.

7. This albino dog has the most mesmerizing eyes.

8. The only pink manta in the whole world

9. A rare polka-dotted zebra

10. “This uniquely colored Blacknose Sheep. The only one I’ve ever seen like him.”

11. “Meet Sable, the 1 in 100,000 melanic (opposite of albino) Barn Owl that wasn’t rejected by its mother.”

12. It’s impossible to stop looking at this eye-catching cat.

13. Rare golden possum that is the real life version of Pikachu

14. “My angry ball of feathers, Mary”

15. Rare Munchkin and Persian mix that is mostly blind and the size of a water bottle

16. This donkey for sure has the most special fur and is making sure everybody knows it.

17. This dog has her face tattooed on her ear.

18. This duck named Elsa has got the fanciest hat.

19. This kitten has a tiny cat mark on his face.

20. Elegant and groomed hairstyles

Do you also have a companion who is as special as these ones we just showed? We would love to see them!

Preview photo credit Zoo Atlanta / Facebook


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