20 People Who Got a Souvenir From the Past

Family & kids
2 years ago

There are things that help us travel back in time, like old photos, school diaries, or souvenirs. And sometimes they reveal such an unexpected story that even Internet users get affected by it.

At Bright Side, we are amazed at how unexpected “portals to the past” that people share online can be, and we’d like to share them with you.

“A birthday gift for my mom: my grandmother’s garden made out of my great-grandmother’s thread.”

“We found my great-grandparents’ wedding certificate.”

“I found my grandfather’s middle school notebook.”

“I can’t find any information on this really cool chair I inherited.”

“I found this ring with a metal detector. There was a name inscribed, and I even found the owner who had lost it 24 years earlier.”

“I found this locked suitcase in the back of a storage closet at the hotel where I work. I pried it open, and it’s a little time capsule.”

“For graduation, my mom got my great-grandmother’s wedding ring made into a necklace. Definitely the most beautiful thing I’ve ever received and will cherish it for the rest of my life.”

“I found these in my closest. My grandfather was a storyboard artist on Batman: The Animated Series and gave them to me a long time ago.”

“My wife and I inherited this from her grandfather.”

“I inherited this beautifully weird desk from my grandmother, and I’m absolutely in love with it.”

“Among the family papers, I found my great-grandmother’s hooks for making lace, which are mind-bogglingly tiny.”

“I’ve been visiting my grandparents over the weekend and found some of my great-grandfather’s photos taken in the early twentieth century.”

“I was given my great-grandmother’s dinner setting years ago and decided to have cake and tea, using it for the first time ever. The cake and tea tasted better.”

“I went to the Washington Smithsonian museum to see my great-grandfather’s belongings.”

“My grandfather at age 22 and at age 98”

“Today, I had the rare chance to see my great-great-great grandmother’s engagement ring up close. Usually it’s inside a case at the Dickens Museum, but today it was allowed out for filming.”

“This is my great-grandmother’s braid. After growing up on a farm with an abusive father, she decided to cut her hair and move to town and get a job as a sales assistant.”

“I barely opened my grandmother’s locket, but it was worth it!”

“I found my dad’s bass after he had sold it 18 years earlier.”

“My dad bought this bass when he was 15 with the first money he earned. When I was 9, I started learning to play this dad’s main instrument. I played this bass non-stop with every opportunity possible, every day. But a few years later, my dad sold it to a friend. My heart sank, I even kept the leather strap from it in a place of honor, always thinking of it. After almost 20 years, I found this bass on sale in the marketplace here in town. This piece of my music history found its way home. I got my dad’s bass back.”

“Check out what I found at a yard sale.”

Do you have that special thing that helps you travel back in time in a matter of seconds? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Preview photo credit rhealyrhealy / Twitter


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