20+ Stories That Prove Walking Your Pet Can Be an Exciting Adventure

2 months ago

Walking your dog isn’t just an excuse to warm up. You never know whether you’ll end up with an amusing hunt for an elusive bag, a surprise depth check of all the nearest puddles or an important mission to investigate every lamppost. In this team, you are the leader, but it’s your 4-legged friend who writes the scenario of the walk.

  • Yesterday I’m standing in the street, keys in one hand, leash in the other. But it feels like something is wrong. I thought about it for about 5 minutes and realized that something was really wrong.
    I’ve got the leash, but not the dog! That’s what happens when you don’t drink coffee in the morning. I bought 2 cans yesterday just in case, otherwise the poor dog won’t survive another “walk” like this. © Work Stories / VK
  • My dog gets terribly offended when you bathe her or wash her paws after a walk. Recently it snowed and immediately began to melt. It was very messy outside. We walked for half an hour.
    When at home, I take a rag and say, “Let’s clean your feet.” Hearing this, the dog climbed under the pouffe in the corridor and began to imitate wiping her paws, peeking at me. Is that enough, or do you want more rubbing on the mat?
    I looked at this performance and felt so sorry for her... We went to the bathroom anyway, but skipped the “rag” stage. © Not everyone will understand / VK

“My dog’s enthusiasm for snow.”

  • My dog is the clumsiest pup in the world. Just the other day I was walking him, and he saw a girl of his breed, and it was obvious he was interested in her. So, he moved and somehow managed to tangle his legs in the leash and fall.
    The lady dog snorted something and went on, and my Lucky sighed so sadly that my heart squeezed. He was sad for the entire walk. I had to give him a treat to cheer him up a little. After all, dogs are like humans. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • My 6-month-old Rottweiler Ricky always travels to the countryside with me and always takes the passenger seat in the car. One day we were out for a walk. While I was chatting with a neighbor, the dog disappeared.
    I rushed to look for him when suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from the car park. I ran there and saw dumbfounded people standing next to their car. My Ricky was sitting proudly on the passenger seat, sticking his tongue out and wagging his tail, like saying, “Well, I’m ready, let’s go.”
    He had mistaken this car with mine, and I had to apologize to the owners. It was good that the owner of the car had a sense of humor, he said, “Oh, well, thank God. I thought I’ll have to buy a new car. It would have been difficult to take my car back from this big guy.” © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • I walked the dog in the park this morning. I let the dog go to run, and 5 minutes later a raven joined his senseless leaps between the trees. The dog leaps, trying to reach the bird, and the raven circles above him or lands nearby. This happened for 40 minutes!
    I thought the raven was determined to exhaust my dog, but a little later I realized they were just playing. When we went home, our new feathered friend followed us. Guess who has a Rottweiler and a raven living in my flat now? After the walk, the dog went to sleep in his bed and the raven crawled under his side. © Not everyone will understand / VK

“Went for a walk today and my dog found a baby bird.”

  • I was walking with my little pooch on a leash, and a huge dog ran up to him. He growled and galloped merrily along — ears up, tail up in the air, eyebrows furrowed, teeth snapping. A few feet away are his owners, yelling at him, he ignores them. I bend down to mine and say in a gentle voice, “Are you scared, little one, poor thing?”
    And then between my dog and my face this huge muzzle squeezes in, looks at me — eyes bulged, eyebrows pitiful, ears flattened, drool flowing, knees bent, tail sweeping the pavement. He is the little one. I had to pet him too. © Anonymous / Pikabu
  • For 6 months now, I’ve been volunteering in the dog shelter and walking the dogs. I enjoy it because they are all so different. I know how to find an approach to any dog, and even those dogs that are afraid of people go for a walk with me with pleasure.
    A week ago, I was offered a job in this shelter, and I was actually looking for a job. I was offered to manage their social media page, so that all the animals would be adopted. I really enjoy filming the dogs, they look very cheerful and cute in videos. I’ll do my best to make sure that every animal finds the right human. © Not everyone will understand / VK

“I walk dogs for a local shelter, and this angel made my Grinch heart grow 3 sizes today.”

  • We live in the private housing area, almost everyone has pets here. Everything is okay for the most part, but recently some inadequate people in our street have got a dog that was just like their family. Their fence is made of iron bars, and their ill-mannered dog tries to squeeze between them to snatch someone every time.
    I am generally not afraid of this dog, my dog Mercury usually just ignores this barking hooligan. But recently we went for a walk with my 8-year-old son. And the neighbor’s dog somehow managed to reach my son with his paw. He didn’t hit him, didn’t scratch him, didn’t even stain him, but he scared my son.
    Mercury remembered the attack. It took him a few days to process his revenge plan. The next time we went for a walk and the neighbor’s dog started barking, Mercury came up and raised his leg with a regal look. The dog didn’t even have time to recoil before he was marked. After that, Mercury used all his sniper skills to hit the target for a month.
    Eventually, the neighbors complained that we had driven their doggy to depression, he is no longer happy and doesn’t want to go to the gate to “communicate” with others. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • When I moved to a new house, I met 2 women on a morning walk with my dog who also walked their pets. So we met almost every morning, and sometimes we were joined by another girl who didn’t have a dog because her boyfriend forbade her to have one. She was very sad about it, but one morning she went for a walk with a little puppy and told us with great joy that she had left that callous fool. © Ward No. 6 / VK

“He doesn’t want to walk. He prefers to be carried everywhere.”

  • We have a cat walking in our yard, and there are 8 dog owners in our house. It became simply impossible to walk the dogs, and we felt pity for the cat as well — God forbid the dogs catch up with it. All of us struggled for a week, hoping the cat would move to a safer yard, but the cat was a stubborn one.
    We started to think what to do with it, and found a way out. We appointed a duty — one by one we go out early and lock the cat in the only entrance where there are no dogs, and after the walk we safely let it back out. The dogs are calm, and the cat is safe, but at the same time we try to find it a home. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • Was with a pregnant dog on a walk. We go home, enter the elevator, a neighbor joins us. We’re on our way, and the elevator gets stuck. We barely got through to the dispatcher, who said that the elevator mechanic would be there soon.
    Suddenly I realize my dog’s giving birth. I’m in shock. And then the neighbor says, “Don’t worry, we’ll do everything in the best way, I’m a surgeon,” — and pulls gloves, napkins, surgical scalpel out of her bag.
    By the time we were released, we had successfully delivered all 4 puppies! And the neighbor took one of them when they got older. © Ward 6 / VK

“I am a dog walker and I took this photo of one of the puppies I walk. He loves running at me full force.”

  • The dog spends summers with my mother in the countryside. Usually in the morning, they walk along our street to the forest where they can pick some mushrooms. The dog would watch my mother attentively, then would run up and sniff the places where the mother had cut a mushroom.
    In fall, our dog could already distinguish an aspen bolete from a birch bolete, and she also had a sniff for porcini mushrooms. It’s a pity she can’t look for truffles, or we simply don’t have them here. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I took my 2 male Alabai dogs out for a walk, and they quickly did what they needed to do and began to beg to go home. And here’s why...
    A week ago they also asked to go home urgently, I saw one of them had something in his mouth. Turns out it was a kitten! Half-blind, flea-ridden, covered in mud. My dogs and I looked at each other, and it was clear I had to take it home.
    I washed the kitten, fed it from a baby bottle, treated it for fleas and worms. My male dogs went crazy — they took turns warming it with their body. While I was bathing him, they sat next to me and were afraid to blink. They stopped walking — they do what they need to do and rush home!
    A neighbor came to visit, so they stood up, covered the cat with their bodies and growled, not letting him in. That’s the kind of dog “dads” I have. © Chamber 6 / VK

“It’s been a week since our kitten joined the family, but I never dared of dreaming about these 2 becoming best buddies like they did.”

  • My dog is very well-mannered. As soon as we come home from a walk, she runs to the bathroom, jumps in it and waits for me to wash her paws. The other day, my friend and I had a little party at my house. When she left, I took the dog for a walk and went straight to bed without even changing my clothes.
    I woke up, and my pet wasn’t there. She always sleeps at my feet. I walked round the flat and found the dog asleep in the bathtub. My little girl got in there to wash her paws after a walk and sat there all night, waiting for the command. © Ward #6 / VK
  • I am the owner of a small “cute” dog. It pisses me off when during a walk we are approached with a request to touch my dog, and some moms with children try to pet it even without my permission.
    I always refuse them all and immediately hear back, “Why not?” Well, it’s a dog that can bite at any moment, and I’m responsible for it! I don’t come to you with a request, “Let me touch your child!” © Overheard / VK
  • In the evening, we went for a walk with my dog, a German Shepherd, as usual. At some point, she ran into the bushes and began to growl at something there. I looked and there was a very small kitten. I was afraid that my Xena would bite it, and started to pull her away.
    But she rushed back, gently grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and brought it to me. The kitten was very small, barely alive. But I already had a dog and didn’t have enough money to take care of the kitten. So I stood there, looked at it and was about to leave, but Xena again carefully took the kitten in her teeth and brought it to me, and then looked at me as if blaming me for indifference.
    And she did this 3 times before I gave up. The kitten was taken home, nursed back to health. Now it is an adult cat, his name is Defoe, and his favorite person is not me, but Xena. But the funniest thing in this story is that as soon as I took the baby home, I was offered another job, where my salary was twice as much. © Chamber 6 / VK

“My dog walker likes to send photos from the walks, no idea how he gets them to pose like this (my dog is in the middle).”

  • I love dogs, but was always against getting a pet, as I thought there was no one and nothing in my life that would make me get up earlier and go for a walk before work. But then I moved and met my new neighbor. I liked her a lot. However, she told me that she has hardly any time — she is busy with work.
    The only time we could spend together were her morning jogs. For 4 months, I got up almost every morning at 6 a.m. to spend time with her, but she never agreed to go out with me. We don’t speak to her now, but the habit of getting up in the morning remains. Well, I’m getting a dog. © Ward 6 / VK
  • I’m a vet. A man comes to me with a huge Rottweiler once, complaining that the dog gets too tired after walks.
    After collecting anamnesis, it turned out that the walks last for 2 hours. I asked, “Why are your walks so long?” And he replies nonchalantly, “I don’t actually walk, I ride a snowmobile.” © Overheard / VK

“When my dog doesn’t want to go for a walk, she lays down in the middle of the street.”

  • I was walking with my cute little pug puppy that had just joined our family. In a clearing, I decided to let him off the leash to run around a bit. I was distracted for 2 minutes and after that was running screaming and crying.
    I saw a young couple in front of me, so I ran to them to ask if they had seen my puppy. And the guy had my puppy in his arms and was carrying it away! I could only say, “That’s my pug, I was looking for him.” Since then, I’ve been keeping an eye on him during the walks. © Overheard / VK
  • I filled my bathtub, added some bath foam and left it to cool down for a couple of minutes. But when I returned, there was a dog looking at me from the bathtub.
    My brother brought the dog from a walk, and the dog, as he had been trained to do, ran straight to get washed. So, he sits in the water, all confused! And it doesn’t matter that it smells like strawberries. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • A couple of months ago, while I was walking the dog, a cat came out of the basement and started walking next to us. She would walk with us every time and then go back to the basement. Last Tuesday she walked with us to our entrance, sat on a bench and waited.
    As a result, there is Assa who lives in my shop now. She’s a very affectionate, intelligent cat, who’s used the litter box from day one. © Max51 / Pikabu

“I adopted a stray cat.”

  • I always wanted to get a dog, but when I was a kid, my parents wouldn’t let me. Now I live with my boyfriend, and he is against it as well, but we have 2 cats.
    I bought 2 leashes and walk them in the evening while he’s at work. So the kitties got used to the evening walks. He is at home now and can’t understand why the cats are meowing at the front door. © Overheard / VK
  • In Austria, they fine you if you don’t clean up after your dog in the street. I was visiting my sister in Vienna for a month. And I took her husky Ginny for a walk every evening to meet my sister after work.
    We approach the traffic lights and start to cross the street. Suddenly Ginny starts doing her thing in the middle of the road. I was so embarrassed. I also realize that I have to remove this stuff. So, while I was cleaning, cars were standing and waiting for us. © galaktioshka / Pikabu
  • My pit bull is 6 years old. She is the kindest creature, doesn’t bark, thinks she is a cat. A couple of years ago, an order was issued in our city that dogs of “dangerous breeds” should be walked only in muzzles. In principle, I agree.
    But my Freya was very offended, she would turn away after a walk, stop eating, began to lose weight. My brother jokingly gave her a muzzle of gentle lilac color with daisies instead of the black one. Voilà! Freya wags her tail after a walk and enjoys playing and eating. Girls are girls. © Overheard / VK

“My dog brought me a flower today when I walked him.”

  • My friends had trained the dog to follow the child on a walk: it gently grabbed his clothes and pulled him if he went somewhere wrong. The shepherd dog perfectly coped with the duties, until it “stole” someone else’s baby once, who was going to cross the road with his mother. My friend was distracted for a second and realized something was wrong when the child’s mother demanded to give her son back. And the dog was gathering the herd, apparently. © Overheard / VK
  • My daughter when she was little wanted a dog, and I was against this huge responsibility. It so happened that I married for the second time, and my husband has a cat, which behaves like a dog! Now everyone is happy, and the little one goes for walks only with the cat, who always walks briskly beside her, without a leash though. © Overheard / VK

“Walking my dogs and cat.”

  • There is a river and a beach a mile away from my house. In the evenings, there are simply marvelous sunsets there. For 10 years now, my dog and I have been coming to this beach almost every day. We do a lot of running, walking. And then my Lana relaxes and I watch the sunset.
    But lately, Lana has been getting tired quickly. She’s 14 years old, she has a lot of illnesses. That’s a decent age for a shepherd dog. So we leave early to take a slow, leisurely walk to our beach.
    I thought that these walks only harm Lana, because she gets tired. But she always brings me the leash and walks in that direction. We don’t run on the beach anymore, we just lie next to each other. I pet her and tell my girl how beautiful she is and how much I love her. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • I have a small dachshund. 10 pounds of love and cuteness, but he’s a wolfhound at heart! No, he doesn’t fight, quite the opposite.
    When we meet a barking dog on a walk, my dachshund passes by with his head proudly raised, implying that barking is not the king’s thing to do. And if, in his opinion, I am in danger, he stands in front of me and silently grinds his teeth. All in all, not a dachshund behavior at all. My big little dog. © Overheard / VK

“My dog met a friend on our walk.”

  • Yesterday I went for a walk with my dog, we wandered around and went home. And this big-eared one lagged behind, needing something to sniff, and he’s walking slowly behind me. I’m not in a hurry, either.
    Suddenly I think, why is he walking without stopping? Usually he stops every minute to sniff something, to grunt, to stick his face in the snowdrift up to his ears, like any other dog. And here, not a single jerk of the leash.
    I turn round, and he is gone, or rather, there is a leash, but nobody is attached to it. I scan the area and find my old man sniffing enthusiastically in another dog control point. Only separately from me and the leash. © hemul1983 / Pikabu
  • Every time I go out for a walk, I already know that there will be a lot of interested looks and compliments. “What a beauty,” I hear every now and then. It’s become so common that I don’t even pay attention to it. People hold doors for me with a smile, give way, let me pass.
    Some people just timidly observe at a distance, while others, who are more daring, approach and ask, “Young lady, what breed is this?” I have a very beautiful dog. And without it, nobody notices me at all. © Overheard / VK

Did you know that dogs have 12 superpowers? Check out this article to find out what they are.


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