20+ People Who Have Unbeatable Skills in Finding a Unique Way to Share a Compliment

year ago

Compliments cost nothing, and many of us don’t hesitate to use this powerful tool as often as possible. However, there are some people who’ve mastered this art like a pro and can create compliments in the wittiest ways imaginable. They seem like they can come up with the most creative way to make somebody’s day. And reading their comments is like attending a master class in this specific part of our lives.

  • My history teacher once told me, “Man, I should be paying you!” I felt like a god that entire semester. Absolutely_N0t / Reddit
  • When my youngest son was in 5th grade (he’s now 25). Came home from school and told me I was the nucleus of our family. Best compliment I ever got. Ok-Requirement-3257 / Reddit
  • My old Razer Death Adder (computer mouse) is still going strong after over 9 years of use! That thing has outlasted 3 computers, a dog, and a marriage! © DuelyDeciesive / Reddit
  • He seems like the guy you could borrow a pencil from every other day, and he would never get mad. © cat le / Youtube
  • In ED we had an 80 y/o patient with dementia. I tell a joke and he laughs SO MUCH at my dumb joke we both start laughing. I leave.
    Come back to check on him about an hour later and go, “Hello Mr. Patient. How are we feeling?” And he just lights up and goes, “Hey I remember you!!!” And I go, “Oh yeah? Do you remember my name?” And he says, “No, but I remember how you made me feel”. He immediately became my favorite patient. Curious_caveman5569 / Reddit
Jeffrey Neira/Everett Collection/East News, © B_Rabbit_Jax / Twitter, © GordonRamsay / Twitter
  • Frank doesn’t even act like a professional designer, he acts like your cool uncle who is in the wrong trade because he is so passionate about auto design, he makes this feel like a family reunion. © The Slick / Youtube
  • My 4-year-old son told me I smelled like music. When I asked what kind of music he said “music you dance to”. Still the best compliment I have received to date! © sdurb / Reddit
  • I recently got told, “If a safe space was a person, it would be you.” I will probably be riding that high for years. Kuolon_Musk / Reddit
  • A complete stranger at the grocery store once asked me to get something out of reach for them and when they thanked me, I smiled and said, “You’re welcome.” She stared at me for a moment and said, “Please don’t ever stop smiling, your smile looks like pure sunshine.” I nearly cried. It was so kind. macmoosie / Reddit

What was the best compliment someone has ever given you? What was the most recent compliment you gave to someone?

Preview photo credit sdurb / Reddit


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