makes me wish I was born THAT time ?❤️
25 Grandpas Who Could’ve Been Celebrity Studs Back in the Day
Those who’ve lived with or are still living with their grandparents surely have very special memories to share. You might have seen pictures of your elderly relatives when they were still young. In any case, sharing old pictures of grandparents has become a trend for those who love vintage items and nostalgia. But for some people, looking at these photos only made them realize that their grandparents could’ve easily been Hollywood stars. It seems like we have to agree on this one. And many people will argue that fashion, style, and even hairstyles from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s were better.
Bright Side made a selection of some of the most handsome grandparents (and a few great-grandparents) out there on the Internet. But the cool thing about these men, in addition to their handsome faces, is that they radiate seduction and elegance.
1. “My grandpa looking devilishly handsome in the ’40s”
2. “My handsome, handsome grandpa in 1950”
3. “My great-grandfather served in the Navy during WWII. He was a great man and always had a brilliant smile (taken in the 1940s)!”
4. “My grandfather in 1951 at Ft. Hood, Temple Texas”
5. “Japan in the 1950s — my grandfather on the day of his coming of age ceremony at 20 years old”
6. “My grandpa just turned 90 last Friday. Here he is in the ’50s looking handsome as ever!”
7. “My grandfather in the 1950s”
8. “My grandfather working at the first restaurant he opened after returning from World War II in the late 1940s”
9. “My grandfather the day before he shipped out with the Marines, 1941”
10. “My handsome devil of a grandfather at 20 years old during the Korean War, 1952, Air Force”
11. “A picture of my great-grandfather just before his deployment during WWII — he’s still alive today.”
12. “This is my Hungarian grandfather in the late ’40s. It was taken in England when he was a refugee from Nazi occupation. Still managed to look good!”
13. “My grandfather (1960s) being an absolute hunk!”
14. “My incredibly good-looking grandfather, WWII”
15. “My friend’s good-looking grandfather on his wedding day in the 1940s”
16. “My handsome grandfather at 18 years old, 1950”
17. “My grandfather circa 1938, Budapest, Hungary — he must have crushed it!”
18. “I had the most handsome grandfather. He would have been 80 today.”
19. “My great-grandfather looks just like Johnny Depp.”
20. “My grandfather was the lead guitarist and vocalist of a band called The Drifters in South Africa. His passion for music has always inspired me and I consider him to be one of the coolest people I know (the 1960s).”
21. “My grandfather always disliked his white strand of hair because he was teased for it as a kid. But I always thought it looked really cool (taken in the 1950s).”
22. “My grandpa, circa 1950, with his pet raccoon, Stinky”
23. “My hunky grandpa pitching hay in rural Massachusetts, CA, 1942”
24. “My friend’s grandfather turns 100 today. Thought you folks would appreciate this handsome man!”
25. “Family resemblance: my face next to my paternal grandfathers from 1946”
Do you have a grandfather who could have been a movie star? What are the best memories you have of him? Share your story in the comments, and if you have one, post a picture of your beloved grandfather!
Not my grandfather but my Dad

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