5 Ways You Might Be Harming Your Hearing Without Even Noticing It

2 years ago

Hearing problems are very common and can affect people of all ages. When we’re listening to our favorite music on full volume through our headphones, we rarely think that it may lead to some pretty serious issues in the long run. Besides wearing your earbuds way too often, there are other less than healthy habits that might eventually damage our hearing health.

Here at Bright Side, we decided to find out what habits are worth breaking to make sure that you continue hearing at your best for a long time.

1. Using cotton swabs.

Although it’s very convenient to clean your ears with cotton swabs after a shower, medical experts believe it’s not safe for your hearing health. Using cotton swabs too often can cause punctured ear drums and in severe cases may even lead to hearing loss. To avoid damaging your ear drums, use a soft washcloth to clean and dry your ears.

2. Listening to loud music.

When you’re going to work early in the morning, nothing seems more appealing than listening to your favorite music on the way. But if you’re wearing your earbuds too often and listening to them too loud, over time it might damage your hearing. If music helps you create your own space, and you can’t imagine a day without it, try listening to them at or below the decibel recommendation.

3. Piercing your ears.

While piercing the ear lobe is generally safe, piercing other parts of the ear, such as the top of the ear or the area near the ear canal, might potentially damage your hearing health. Piercings in the upper part of the ear can become infected more easily, and the swelling and discharge from the infected area may temporarily affect your hearing.

4. Not keeping your ears dry.

While swimming is a great way to keep fit and relieve stress, excess moisture isn’t healthy for your hearing. When water gets into the inner ear tube, it causes your natural earwax to soften. Because earwax protects your ears from fungi and infections, it becomes easier for germs to get into your ears, which eventually might damage your hearing.

5. Choosing the wrong type of exercise.

If you ever noticed that your ears get plugged after a workout, this might be an indication that this type of exercise is too intense for you. Lifting heavy weights, for example, may cause pressure within the brain, which in turn places pressure on your inner ear. To prevent this annoying sensation, try clearing your ears before the workout and avoid holding your breath.

Have you been making any of these mistakes? What else can we do to protect our hearing?


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