Push-ups might a big hard for the beginners. In many gyms there are such exercise machines that can help to begin with. It's for pull-ups, but it also helps your chest to work

Bright Side brings to you 5 fat-burning workouts that are perfect for beginners along with suggestions as to how many times you should perform them while starting out. You may increase the reps and the intensity as you progress. Don’t forget to read the bonus at the end of the article if you want to find out whether a morning schedule is better for working out, or if sweating it out in the evening is more effective.
How to perform it:
Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
How to perform them:
Perform these 7 times for each leg.
How to perform them:
Lower your body so that your chest nearly touches the floor.
Now push your body back up.
Repeat 10 times.
How to perform them:
For beginners, it is recommended that they perform 3 sets of 10 reverse crunches.
How to perform them:
Perform these for 1 minute.
What’s better: exercising in the morning or working out in the evening? The truth is while both times of day have their advantages and disadvantages, the best time for you is the time when you can exercise consistently. The key to eliminating fat and staying healthy is being persistent and consistent. The best time for you is the time when you will be able to effectively exercise.
However, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of both schedules so that you can make a wise decision.
Advantages of a morning workout:
Disadvantages of a morning workout:
Advantages of an evening workout:
Disadvantages of an evening workout:
What other exercises have you tried as a beginner? Share your gym experiences with us in the comments below.
Push-ups might a big hard for the beginners. In many gyms there are such exercise machines that can help to begin with. It's for pull-ups, but it also helps your chest to work
I have just saw the girl in the gym today who was doing Russian twist. And now I read about it here!
It's a sign, I definetely need to try it.
Also a tip for the beginners - girls should do more short sets and less pauses in between, guys should do longer sets combined with long pauses in between
Thanks for the tip..love to do it