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Breakups and divorces are becoming more common, particularly among celebrities. Finding out how many celebrities have experienced heartbreak and refusal will help us realize that, especially when it comes to love, we are all the same, no matter how much heartbreak may hurt, eventually, we all learn our value and are willing to love ourselves and others even more.
Taylor Swift’s romantic history was never kept a secret because it was the theme and subject of many of her well-known songs. Her relationships haven’t always been very successful, but the one with Joe Jonas was particularly unfortunate because of how it ended.
Following Joe’s breakup with her, Taylor gave an interview where she discussed their short relationship. “It’s all right. I’m cool,” she said. “He broke up with me over the phone in 27 seconds when I was 18.” Regardless of how it ended, Taylor and Joe are now really good friends who hold no grudge against each other.
After only 14 months of marriage, Russel Brand and Katy Perry got divorced. Despite their immediate bond, their story was brief, and Russell only informed Katy of his intention to divorce her via text message. The famous singer revealed: “He texted me saying he was divorcing me on December 31, 2011.”
However, Katy realized after a period of heartbreak that it was ultimately the right path to part ways because they were not on the same page. She declared: “I felt a lot of responsibility for it ending. I let go and I was like: This isn’t because of me — this is beyond me. So I have moved on from that.”
Rita Ora and Calvin Harris had been dating for just over a year, but she declared he was the first person she had fallen in love with. Even though the couple had already decided to end it at that point, when they broke up, Rita was reportedly shocked to learn that her relationship with Calvin Harris was over via Twitter.
He wrote: “To address speculation — myself and Rita ended our relationship some time ago. She is a beautiful, talented woman & I wish her all the best.”
His decision to end their relationship in that way astounded the singer, especially given how much she trusted him. Ora stated in an interview, “It was at that point in my relationship where I felt he could do no wrong. I thought he had my back and that he’d never steer me wrong.”
Despite being one of the most handsome men in Hollywood, Chris Evans experienced heartbreak when his high school girlfriend dumped him at prom. The actor revealed a few details about this story in an interview with his brother Scott.
As one might expect, these guys know each other well and were gossiping about how Chris got dumped at prom. When asked about that night, his brother declared: “He woke up on the front lawn across the street from our house.” And Chris continued: “She dumped me at prom, I took it real hard.”
Even though the well-known singer Ariana Grande has always been in committed, long-lasting relationships, she was once badly dumped. The worst breakup Ariana has ever experienced “would probably be over a text message, the first night of my tour, right before I was about to go on stage,” she admitted.
Jennifer Aniston may not have had the best luck in love and relationships, but she has never been in a monotonous relationship. The actress has dated many famous people, including Brad Pitt, Justin Theroux, and John Mayer.
Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer allegedly met at an Oscars after-party in 2008 and hit it off right away. They dated for about a year before going their separate ways. Jennifer Aniston believed things were going well between her and John, but she was mistaken. Indeed, Mayer cut off their relationship by sending her a message announcing it was over.
Over the years, Drake has been associated with several stunning Hollywood ladies, but his closest relationship has been with singer Rihanna. He did have a short-lived relationship with Dollicia Bryan, which unfortunately did not end well.
According to some sources, the couple began dating in 2011 and split up after an argument. According to sources, the argument concerned colored contacts. Dollicia complained about Drake wearing hazel-colored contacts. The singer then got offended, and the argument heated up before Bryan left their date. Ever since that argument, they haven’t gotten back together.
Have you ever been in a relationship that did not work out? What advice would you give to someone going through a breakup?