16 Times Designers Made Something Spesh and Went Beyond Creativity

Many things about reality are mysterious. And even if you keep up with the latest research, some of these facts below might still surprise you. You probably know that octopuses have 3 hearts, but that’s just one of many interesting facts about the world we live in. So let’s look deeper and learn more about all the magnificent phenomena around us.
The Bright Side team combed the Internet to gather the most jaw-dropping facts that you probably didn’t know.
We’ve heard of a digital detox, but we never expected to find a retreat that actually reflected the concept of disconnecting from technology. In Iceland, while you are wandering around the countryside, there are professional typist horses that can help you with the “out of the office” email you received during your days off.
The Icelandic horses have their own horse-sized QWERTY keyboard, complete with tiles that are comfy to walk on.
Puppies are very social animals, so playing is an important part of their development. According to a new study, young male dogs playing with female puppies will often let the females win, even if the males have a physical advantage.
The furry gentlemen take their chivalry to another level by putting themselves in disadvantageous positions to make sure that their female playmates can win. Research finds that the reason they behave this way is that the opportunity of playing is far more important than winning for them.
If you ever thought that you had a lot in common with your cat, science confirms that you are right. According to recent research, a remarkable similarity exists between the genomes of cats and humans. Moreover, a 2007 study found that around 90% of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are the same as those in humans.
We have all seen cute pictures of dolphins approaching pregnant women and touching their bumps. Some scientists believe that this is no coincidence. In fact, they think dolphins may be able to detect a developing fetus in a pregnant woman by emitting sounds in her environment and listening for the echoes that return.
According to a recent study, your pet may be more like you than you thought. These traditionally independent kittens were revealed to mimic their owners’ personality attributes, specifically emotional maturity, open-mindedness, and extroversion.
As unbelievable as it sounds, pregnant women can get pregnant twice. This rare phenomenon is called superfetation and it happens when a new pregnancy occurs during an initial pregnancy. When a pregnant woman releases a second egg and it’s fertilized and implanted in the uterus, 2 pregnancies can occur simultaneously. However, babies conceived by superfetation are not twins.
Many people find pugs adorable and consider them when they’re thinking of getting a pet. However, these heart-melting creatures face serious health issues that are no longer considered typical for dogs.
According to the study, pugs have “diverged substantially” from other dogs in terms of higher health risks affecting the airways and eyes, which can be dangerous to the breed’s general health.
Which fact did you find most interesting? Let us know in the comments below and share some of your own.