8 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

4 years ago

Insecure behavior is toxic and can make our lives miserable. If we don’t notice low self-esteem in time, we might miss a lot of opportunities, or it might even take us on a downward spiral. The good news is that there are certain signs of a lack of confidence that may help you recognize it in your own behavior. Read this article to find out more about them.

We at Bright Side believe that mental health is important. That’s why it’s good to learn the 8 signs of low confidence to overcome it before it causes any trouble.

1. You’re excessively positive.

While it’s great to stay positive, sometimes people with low self-esteem might hide their emotional insecurities behind their smiles. Sometimes people use it as a distraction from something that’s bad. Like when you call your friend who had a tough day — if they don’t lack self-confidence, they’ll talk about their issues honestly. If they have low self-esteem, on the other hand, they’ll focus on the good things that happened, distracting themselves from dealing with real problems.

2. You want a perfect result each time.

Perfectionism can be one of the signs of low self-esteem. A person who lacks self-esteem can’t accept the results they get and it causes them to get stuck with a task for a long time, trying to get an ideal outcome.

For instance, a person with low self-esteem will feel anxious that the room won’t be clean enough and guests won’t be satisfied. So instead of spending 30 minutes cleaning up, these people will spend hours making sure that everything is shining.

3. You can’t accept feedback.

If your self-esteem is low, when someone reviews your work, you might think that the issues are in you and that the feedback is about you personally, not about the task that you’ve completed. As a result, feedback can be very hard to accept. The next time someone gives you feedback, try to focus on the valuable information that is given to you, like what things can be done better. And make sure your low self-esteem won’t let you deny your merits when someone praises you.

4. It’s important for you to share your achievements.

Sharing an upbeat side of our life has become especially easy with the help of social media. But keep in mind, if you see someone actively showcasing the good things in their life, it might be a sign of low confidence. They might just be seeking approval and acceptance — and their feelings depend on it.

While it’s okay to share good things with others, it shouldn’t boost your feelings of self-esteem. Our family and friends love us independently of our recent promotion, fashion sense, and hobbies.

5. You can’t say no.

Sometimes, people with low self-esteem have no second thoughts about hopping on a bus across town to babysit their friend’s kids, even after a long, taxing day at work. It’s great if you want to help others, but if people are using you up, it may be a sign of unstable self-esteem, and it’s time to put a stop to it.

Every time you help someone else at the expense of yourself, your mind thinks that what you want is unimportant. Imagine how your life would change if you stopped agreeing to do all these unnecessary favors. Not only would people start to respect you and your boundaries, but you would also have a better sense of self-worth. Plus, think about all that extra free time you’ll have to enjoy the things that you love and deserve.

6. You need reassurance about everything.

Some people with low self-esteem can’t handle short-term anxiety, so they’re constantly asking others for approval and support. Sometimes it might relieve your worries, but in the long-term, it’s signaling that you can’t handle things by yourself, as your self-confidence is low. For example, if someone just bought new clothes and feels the urge to share pictures with others to ask how they look in them, it might be a signal of low self-esteem.

7. You often resort to catastrophic thinking.

We all have a friend who overthinks things and irrationally worries about worst-scenario situations. Even though this trait is quite widespread, these people might be struggling with low self-esteem. Their partner might simply be running 30 minutes late from work, but a person with low self-esteem is already imagining that they might be cheating or that they got into a car accident. Catastrophic thinking is a very toxic trait that needs to be managed. Start thinking about the best-case scenarios first and try to evaluate the probability of these less-desirable outcomes.

8. You tend to blame others.

We believe that being critical is important, but sometimes it can be a signal of poor self-esteem. Next time, make sure you don’t use criticism to make yourself feel better. The sense of one’s well-being should be based on a healthy headspace. If you use criticism toward a person who doesn’t deserve it, it will make you feel guilty in the long run, which will only worsen any insecurities.

Do you feel confident enough about yourself? What makes you think that someone has self-esteem problems?

Please note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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