8 Tips to Use Your Under-Eye Concealer to Look Fresh as a Daisy

year ago

Dark circles under the eyes appear for several reasons, such as not getting enough sleep, having a genetic predisposition, being more prone to hyperpigmentation, age, and dehydration. Because of that, having dark circles under the eyes is common. And if you want to conceal them to look fresh, makeup is your best ally.

1. Use color corrector wisely.

Mistake: Using a lighter shade than your natural skin color will make it will look grayish and dull.

Right technique: To avoid that from happening, use a warm-colored concealer first. Shades of red, orange, or peach, are great base colors. Then use the concealer that most closely resembles your skin tone.

2. Apply concealer not only in the area of the dark circles under the eyes.

Mistake: Applying concealer in a half-moon or smile shape under your eyes is not the best idea. In fact, instead of concealing dark circles, it can highlight them.

Right technique: Making an inverted triangle with a tone similar to your skin tone is the easiest way to avoid the issue. Simply mark a point on each side of the eye, a third point below and in the middle, and blend the concealer upwards.

3. Moisturize the area.

Mistake: The skin under the eyes is quite delicate, so it can easily dry out or crack, especially if you apply makeup or do not take care of it regularly.

Right technique: Therefore, before applying anything, you must moisturize the area using a suitable product. It is also essential to stay hydrated, sleep and eat well. Good habits are beneficial for your health and your skin.

“It’s important to moisturize and nourish the skin. Otherwise, your concealer will settle on the surface instead of being absorbed,” explains makeup artist Maria Asadi.

4. Use fixing powder.

Mistake: Creases in that area are normal, and makeup can accumulate there, making them more noticeable.

Right technique: To keep the concealer in place and prevent it from slumping, you’ll need fixing powder. Wearing it will not only prevent wrinkles from being accentuated but will also help your makeup last longer. Just apply some fixing powder and sweep it all over your face.

5. Use foundation before concealer.

Mistake: Sometimes, instead of applying foundation all over your face, you may be tempted to avoid the under-eye area, thinking that you’ll apply concealer there anyway. That’s not the best option, though.

Right technique: Applying a light foundation layer to the under-eye area will help with the subsequent concealer application.

6. Clean the area well before applying make-up.

Mistake: In addition to not moisturizing, not deflating the area a little with cold compresses can be a mistake. Cleaning your skin thoroughly and getting rid of makeup residues is essential.

Right technique: Before applying makeup, the best option is to clean the area perfectly of mascara residue, eye shadow, or any other product you have applied. It is also good to use a cold compress to deflate the area and, as already mentioned, moisturize it perfectly.

7. Do not apply too much concealer.

Mistake: More is not always better, as you could create a big clump of makeup that draws more attention to that area.

Right technique: Place a few drops or dots, depending on what form your concealer comes in (liquid is easier to blend), and blend perfectly. Repeat the step if you need more coverage, always making thin layers.

8. A hack

A concealer hack to look fresh is adding a dot of concealer that resembles your skin tone in each crease of your nose and then blending it with the foundation by tapping it in with your fingers or a sponge.

Bonus: Reduce dark circles under the eyes with natural methods.

Some tricks that can help reduce dark circles under the eyes are:

  • Rub a cold compress in the morning or at night on the area.
  • Use cucumber slices previously placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and put them under the eyes for 10 minutes at least twice a day, then rinse with warm water.
  • Use rose water, as it can soothe and give a touch of freshness to tired skin.
  • Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a substance that can help make skin softer and more supple and diminish the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Cold tea bags can also work to relax the area.
  • Use a piece of absorbent cotton soaked in cold milk and rub it on the area to keep the skin glowing and fresh looking.


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