9 Clothing Items That Can Help You Look Stylish Even in the Rain

Girls stuff
5 hours ago

Even in rainy weather, our wardrobe can be diverse and stylish. Perhaps it's time to go through our clothes and replace the banal fall items with cool counterparts.

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1. Green trench coat

Anorak is a popular type of windbreaker with a hood. Although this piece of clothes is practical, it can visually age you. Instead, fashion lovers advise you to opt for a trench coat of muted green color. By the way, the shades of green also look relevant.

2. Outerwear of bright colors

Beige colored clothing is a standard for fall. But it can look boring. To avoid this, it can be complemented with stylish accessories or replaced with items of bright colors.

After all, rain is not a reason to hide colors. For example, a red trench coat will not only lift your mood, but also show that you are on trend. In the fashion world, red is in honor this year. A colored mackintosh or a color block waterproof jacket will also look cool.

3. Denim

Waterproof materials are a well-known way to protect yourself from the rain. But if it's a light drizzle rather than a wall of rain, a long jacket or a denim mackintosh will suffice. The walk will be especially comfortable if you put on 3 layers of clothes. In this case, the outfit won't be overloaded, and the jacket can be removed and dried when needed.

4. Waterproof boots or sneakers

Rubber boots are not the only solution for bad weather. Although fashionistas offer to complement outfits with these shoes, not everyone likes them. Waterproof boots or sneakers can be a reliable alternative. And if they are also in the trendy burgundy color, they'll be just fire.

5. Rough jacket combined with a dress or skirt

There's room for romance on a cloudy day. Especially if you love leather jackets. After all, you can play on contrast and wear a dress or trendy puffy skirt with one, rather than casual jeans. Or experiment and combine different types of rough clothes with refined items.

For example, complement a checkered skirt with a voluminous waxed jacket and boots - as if you've come to a country house.

6. Poncho

What to do if you want to feel like a fish in water in the rain? A waterproof poncho is an option for a comfortable look in this case. It doesn't restrict movement, and it looks spectacular because it can have bright prints on it.

7. Leopard-print headpiece

If you don't want to carry an umbrella and don't want to wear a hood, a spectacular headwear can help. For example, a cap or a scarf. To look trendy, you can choose a piece with leopard print - it has already won the hearts of fashionistas this year.

By the way, you can opt for other items of this color as well. For example, bold trousers that look harmoniously with a plain white shirt.

8. Cropped outerwear

Cropped outerwear is on trend, so even a regular rain jacket will look more relevant if the hips remain uncovered. A cropped bomber is also a cool option for a fall look before it gets too cold outside.

9. Fall items with a special glamor

A comfortable ensemble can be put together not only of sporty or casual items, but also of elegant ones. Femininity and glamour are generally on trend. If you want to look stylish, you can complement your outfit with high boots or choose things of black color but of different textures.

And fashion designers recommend some crazy outfits for this fall. Check them out.


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