9 Everyday Items That Pose Unexpected Dangers

Tips & tricks
5 hours ago

There used to be days when toilets could explode. Thankfully, those chaotic times are behind us! But don’t let your guard down just yet—your throne and other everyday items may still be lurking with surprising hazards. Discover the hidden dangers in your daily routine that could catch you off guard!

1. Mirrors and other reflective or transparent objects.

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A Redditor posted a question: “Random burn marks appear on my bed. What causes this?” He added that there were multiple perfect circle holes on his sheets and pillow. Neither his parents nor he had any bad habits. And here came the answer: “The first thing I’d check is the mirror that the sun shines on, that will reflect onto the bed. My chest of drawers started to burn from this before!”

In fact, such situations may lead to even worse outcomes. The object can be any lens that bundles the light—a bottle, fish tank, decorative crystal/glass balls, any other curved but transparent or reflective object, and even a spoon: “My house set on fire after the sun reflected off a hanging serving spoon on the well onto a sewing machine. I woke up from a nap to the smoke alarm going off, and the house was full of thick black smoke.”

Make sure to remove any reflective objects that can turn into lenses on sunny days, and get a smoke alarm to be safe.

2. Water heaters, grills, chimneys, and other sources of CO.

A Redditor started to find Post-it notes around his house with weird content and thought his landlord was breaking into his apartment, leaving notes and moving things. "I found a Post-it note on my desk reminding me of some errands I had to do but told literally nobody about." Then the situation repeated, "I found a Post-it note on the back of my desk chair, telling me to make sure I 'saved my documents.'" After this, the guy set up a webcam.

Some other day, "I woke up to find another Post-it note, saying, 'Our landlord isn't letting me talk to you, but it's important we do.'" He checked the webcam's folder on his computer and found nothing from the night before, but, strangely, his computer's recycling bin had been emptied, which he was certain he hadn't done, indicating someone had noticed the webcam and deleted the files. "I was freaked out. I thought my landlord was stalking me. Turns out, I had CO poisoning."

A fellow Redditor commented to check the carbon monoxide levels and turned out there was a slow leak in the house. Sources of CO include, but are not limited to: automobile engines, charcoal grills, indoor heating systems, leaky furnaces, water heaters that use natural gas, and gas stoves.

At lower levels, CO leaks cause headaches, confusion, blurred vision, hallucinations, and feelings of dread. St. Lawrence County Public Health even states that 4 in 10 Americans believe in haunted houses. However, what might seem like ghostly activity can be the result of carbon monoxide poisoning. At higher levels, CO leaks may lead to severe poisoning, where medical assistance is crucial. That's why it's highly important to install CO detectors outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home.

3. Grill brushes

Above is the photo of a metal wire from a grill brush that got stuck on the grill and seared into a piece of meat. It got stuck in the patient's throat.

There are numerous cases like this reported. Redditors describe similar situations that happened to them:

  • "One day I found a metal bristle on a burger I was carrying into my family."
  • "While cooking some salmon, I thought I somehow swallowed a fish bone, and it got lodged in my throat. I tried swallowing/drinking it down for a few minutes, and it was really painful. Then I tried hooking it up, and it finally came out after like 5 minutes.
    I was fully expecting a fishbone but was surprised when I saw a metal wire. It took me a few minutes to realize it came from the BBQ brush."
  • "This happened to me at a Brazilian grill in London; except the wire was stuck to a burger patty."

Here are some options you can use instead of the wire brush:

4. Charges

Sleeping with your phone or tablet lying under the pillow or on your bed and being charged can be extremely dangerous.

The heat generated cannot dissipate, and the charger will get hotter and hotter. This may result in the pillow/bed catching fire. The risks are higher if you use damaged cables.

5. Backpacks

If backpacks are overloaded or not worn correctly, they can strain muscles and joints unnecessarily, potentially leading to back discomfort. The symptoms may include lower and upper back pain, shoulders and neck strain, bad posture, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the arms and hands.
To avoid such unpleasant effects, stick to these rules:

  • Don't overload your backpack. No matter how well-designed it is, less weight is surely better. The loaded backpack shouldn't weigh more than 20% of your body weight.
  • Make sure to wear your backpack properly. Use both shoulder straps. Fix the straps to ensure the backpack rests firmly against your back. It should be positioned in the center of your back, avoiding any sagging toward the lower back.
  • Try to load all compartments to balance the weight evenly throughout the backpack.
  • Put heavier items closer to the center of the back.

6. Household chemicals

Many household chemicals can react with very small amounts of mixing. Redditors shared several stories to prove the point:

  • "I poured drain cleaners into pipes that already had a different cleaner in them, and within seconds I couldn't breathe. I don't mean I was coughing; I mean my entire throat suddenly closed. I had to run out of the house and squeeze my gut to force myself to exhale; I almost blacked out.
    Extremely painful. It took over an hour before I could even re-enter the house to open windows, and even then the gas I had made was noxious. I was lucky I could move fast and get out of there. I reckon another 10 seconds would have been enough."
  • "My dad recently blew up his pool pump, mixing two different types of chlorine tabs."
  • "My now wife did this to me while we were dating. Not intentionally, but we were cleaning the bathroom, and she had mistakenly mixed chemicals in the toilet before I started scrubbing it. My lungs and eyes were on fire."

For example, these chemicals are highly toxic:

  • Bleach + vinegar can lead to coughing, breathing problems, burning, and watery eyes.
  • Bleach + ammonia can lead to chest pain and difficulty breathing.
  • Bleach + rubbing alcohol is another highly toxic mixture.
  • Hydrogen peroxide + vinegar is highly corrosive.

Make sure to always read the caution labels on household chemicals. Never mix them with other products, despite what you see or hear on social media.

7. Humidifiers

Humidifiers may become hotspots for the growth of mold and bacteria. If dirty water tanks and filters are used, anyone may get flu-like symptoms or even lung illnesses as the device releases mist or steam laced with bacteria and fungi.

To avoid harm to your health, learn how to clean your device according to instructions suggested by your device maker. You can also stick to these tips:

  • Use distilled water. Such water has fewer minerals that can cause the growth of bacteria in your humidifier.
  • Change filters if there are any on your device.
  • Replace an old humidifier if there is a mineral buildup that is impossible to remove.

8. Glasses

The researchers confirm that injuries related to wearing ordinary eyeglasses are a significant public health problem in all age groups.

They add that it could be avoided if people would wear protective eyeglasses during activities that put them at high risk. For example, during sports activities.

9. Toilets

While there are pretty obvious reasons like slips and falls, a toilet may surprise you with quite unexpected things. For example, the bites of spiders, rats, and even snakes.

To prevent any unwanted guests, consider installing a one-way flap. This will guarantee that once the toilet is flushed, nothing can flow back into it or rise from the drain.

By the way, water bottles left in the car can also work as a lens and cause fires or result in other major or minor damages.

Preview photo credit RBradbury1920 / Reddit


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