20+ Times People Didn’t Realize Something That Was Absolutely Obvious

According to a study, luck-enhancing superstitions can improve skilled performance because they provide a boost in self-confidence. And even though most superstitions are common, some can be really eccentric and even shocking at times. And by revealing the rituals that are the closest to their hearts, stars reveal a hidden side of their personality. Proving that we all have fears and insecurities no matter how rich or famous we get.
Bright Side is a big fan of lucky charms because they provide us with the positive vibes we need. Here are some of the particular rituals that these celebrities do in order to feel relaxed and content.
The 49-year-old actress wears a ’’lucky necklace’’ with a dainty horseshoe pendant, which she believes has a mystic anti-aging quality. However, the actress insists on not being the super superstitious type, explaining ’’I’ve flown on Friday the 13th in a storm with a black cat on my lap, so I’m not that superstitious."
The German supermodel shared that she used to carry a bag of her baby teeth with her at all times. She added that her mom had kept all the teeth she had lost as a child in a pouch. And Heidi used to keep it with her as a lucky charm when she was young and had to travel the world by herself as a model.
It seems that the socialite has a special appreciation for 11:11. She had called her company 11:11 media and even chose to get married on the 11th of November. Paris had explained "11:11 has always been my favorite time of day. It’s my reminder to make a wish and be open to miracles.’’
Furthermore, we can witness this on her Twitter account, where she very often chooses to celebrate the time and mention it in a post, when the clock hits 11 hours and 11 minutes.
The Game of Thrones actor once admitted that he owns ’’a few lucky charms’’ including his lucky pen. He went on saying, ’’It’s one I’ve had since I was a kid, and I carry it everywhere. And I haven’t lost it yet, I’ve lost everything else.’’ He also added that whenever he needs to board a plane, he touches the outside 3 times before getting in.
The famous influencer and reality star admitted to ’’being a superstitious person’’ saying that she has all kinds of rituals. She also revealed that her entire family is the same way, saying, ’’Every time we hear an ambulance... we always touch our hair.’’ Another ritual she opened up about is always stepping in with her right foot first, whenever she gets on a plane.
Even though many people might consider the number 13 to be bad luck, for the American singer 13 is her favorite number. She admitted that she draws it on her hand every time she goes on stage because she believes ’’13’’ brings her good luck. Taylor further explained her connection with "13’’ saying, "I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro. Every time I’ve won an award I’ve been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row.’’
Do you have any superstitions that you believe in? What is one ritual that you can never let go of?