A Dad Desperately Dashes From Australia to America to Stop His Ex Putting His Newborn Daughter Up for Adoption

Family & kids
11 months ago

One dedicated dad from Australia went on the most important journey of his life. The man flew from Australia to Texas with a very important, almost life-saving mission. He learned that his ex wanted to put his newborn daughter up for adoption, and rushed to prevent it. Let’s find out more about the baby’s destiny and the dad’s emotions.

The man made the decision that was dictated to him by his heart.

A new dad has frantically flown from Australia to America having only one aim, and it was a noble one. The man wanted to prevent his baby daughter from being put up for adoption by his ex partner.

The man’s name is Dan Gaut, and he resides in Sydney’s north shore. Dan met his ex-girlfriend Liv when he was vacationing in San Francisco in early 2023.

The couple fell in love so instantly and so strongly that Liv left her home and community in Austin, Texas, to live with Dan, who’s a carpenter, in Australia.

The relationship between the couple weren’t developing as planned.

When Dan met Liv, he really thought she was «the love of his life».

The duo were inseparable, and in a short period of time they found out they were expecting their first baby together. However, this didn’t become a good start for a new and happy family, as the two soon separated.

Cracks in their relationship began to emerge when Dan’s girlfriend Liv became extremely homesick and this was the reason why she went home to Texas. The woman felt like she absolutely needed to be closer to people whom she knew, to her support network.

This initially was supposed to be a simple «visit», but then things went totally wrong. Dan Gaut later received the devastating news that his beloved wasn’t planning to come back. And by this action, Liv was setting him on a determined path to raise his baby daughter by himself.

When his baby daughter was born, Dan didn’t hesitate even for a moment on what he needed to do.

Dan’s ex-girlfriend Liv went into labor in Texas on Sunday morning.

Dan received the news, but there was a grain of salt in it. Liv previously has reunited with her former boyfriend and had different plans for life. A little baby wasn’t in these plans, so she seriously considered putting her up for adoption as soon as her little daughter sees the world for the first time. She informed Dan about it, and the man really had no other choice except for rushing over to Texas to save his baby daughter.

Dan recalls, «As soon as I found out that she was going into labor ... I booked a flight for 2:15 the next day, which was Monday, which gave me enough time to get the ESTA visa for America.»

He then adds, «Then I just packed and tied up all the loose ends I could and just got on that flight.»

The new dad was extremely excited to meet his baby daughter. He said, «I didn’t sleep a wink. I was like wired and excited and hearing other babies on the plane, and it was just so surreal.»

When his first meeting with baby Ana happened, the father was on cloud nine. He described meeting his daughter for the first time as "magical".

The new dad now has absolutely amazing plans for life.

Dan is absolutely overwhelmed by the love he felt instantly for his little daughter Ana. He says, «The love for her took over, and it was like such a magical loving moment that I just, just couldn’t wait to hold her.»

The man calls his daughter a «little angel» and adds that he really couldn’t ask for anything more.

But there was a small problem that Dan was hoping to solve soon. He had to get a US passport for Ana, which could take up to five weeks, even if the process is fast-tracked.

Dan said, «Once I have the passport in my hands, then it’s just getting one of the ETA apps for the Australian visa for her.»

The new dad added, «Then at the same time we’re filing for her Australian citizenship.» Dan now has a big and cordial assistance of a community, and it’s making him closer to a happy ending.

Dan’s ex also has something in her mind.

Mr Gaut said he has got an enormous amount of messages of support from family and friends in Australia after the baby Ana was born. His parents are also very supportive and are already in love with their granddaughter. Dan said, «I did get to speak to mum and dad...they couldn’t speak, they were that excited.»

Dan’s ex-partner Liv has even expressed her wish to be in Ana’s life.

Dan revealed, «She’s definitely mentioned how much she loves her, definitely, and she wants to be part of the baby’s life, that’s for sure, and we don’t know how exactly it’s going to go.»

The woman assisted to her ex and offered him help, too. Dan said, «She’s very supportive of me bringing the baby over, there are no problems there — she even offered to make the flight with me, just because I’m so nervous about flying alone with a newborn.»

And here’s yet another fascinating family story about a gay dad, who adopted an ill kid and raised an Olympic champion.

Preview photo credit Daniel Gaut / Facebook


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