I Decided to Follow the Trend of Praising Children Even If They Behave Like Little Monsters

Living with flatmates offers a diverse experience. On one hand, it provides advantages like cost-sharing and companionship; on the other, it entails challenges such as shared responsibilities and the need to define personal boundaries. A recent Reddit post highlighted one user’s firsthand experience in this regard, seeking advice and solutions from the online community.
“So I decided to be petty. I had a half gallon of milk that I left outside for about two weeks. I let it get nice and spoiled, then put it in the fridge.
The morning after, my roommate decided to help himself to a bowl of my cereal, and lost it when he poured chunky milk into the bowl. It smelled awful and had the most disgusting texture to it. The entire kitchen and living room smelled rancid. Of course, I was the one to blame because I kept the milk past the expiration date.”
“This one was my favorite. I simply took non-hard boiled eggs and put them in a container labeled ’hard-boiled eggs.’ I woke up the next morning to him yelling and cussing, as he stormed into my room and asked why I did that.
I asked why it mattered how I labeled my food. He was sitting in the living room and tried to crack a couple eggs at a time on the coffee table. The raw egg got all over his hands, the table and on the rug under it.”
“This didn’t stop him from taking my food, but it happened less frequently. I spoke with him several times about this, and he agreed he would stop. But he never did. He just told me what I wanted to hear and ignored it after that,” he went on saying.
Reddit users swiftly chimed in voicing their support, and they shared their some useful tips or even “recipes.”
Certainly, this Redditor is not alone in experiencing such stress. Here are some additional stories that could help you feel grateful for not having to share your living space with housemates who have quirky habits like these.