A Man Created a Rehab Center for Wolves, and They “Thank” Him in the Sweetest Way

4 years ago

Kirill Potapov lives in Saint-Petersburg, Russia and is famous for his immense love for animals. Recently he started a rehab center for wolves that need medical help. Kirill provides them with all the necessary things for a quick recovery, including his love. And they respond with the same feelings.

Bright Side admires people that do outstanding things and Kirill is one of them. That’s why we are going to show you what life in his rehab center is like and how thankful the wolves can be.

There’s a Native American proverb that says, “To look into the eyes of a wolf is to see your own soul.” And Kirill agrees with it completely.

Not only did Kirill manage to see his own soul, but he also revealed his true mission.

At first, the wolves didn’t recognize him as a friend.

But his everyday support and help made the wolves trust him.

Kirill helps them by making various exercises for them so they can gain back their strength.

And the wolves answer back to him with love and faithfulness.

Kirill even treats them with cakes.

Just look at how cuddly they are.

Kirill has good relationships with other animals too. Just look at how many friends he has.

Dear readers! We are curious about what’s happening in your life. If you have ever volunteered in a nursing home, lived in Bangladesh, worked in a Michelin-star restaurant in Paris, or just want to tell the world why it is so important to pick people up at the airport, write an email to hello@adme.ru with the title, “My Story” and let the whole world know about you.


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