thats what will happen

Housekeeping is also a job. It’s just that those who do it day after day are not paid and their efforts often go completely unnoticed. One day a mother from Great Britain decided: she had had enough. So she just stopped doing the dishes, the laundry, and cleaning, without saying anything to her partner and 3 children. What happened after that? She carefully reported the results on her Twitter account, which she leads under the nickname MissPotkin. Thousands of social network users watched this experiment with admiration.
thats what will happen
always me. My partner does but I have to tell him. Its so annoying.
my partner never does anything around the house even if I ask him to. He even starts cursing at me because I dare to ask himto do something. And right after I finish cleaning the house it's like he is trying to make it messier that it was. And also, he never aknowleges anything I do because "it's you job as a woman to clean, cook and not complain"! I'm so done... sorry if my english is not correct, it's not my first language
I think i have to initiate this lesson in my home. Cuz they need it seriously 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I want to do that I want I want i want i want I want