A Woman Published Her Final Letter Before Passing Away and Her Last Wish Is the Ultime Prove of Kindness

10 months ago

In a tale of compassion and resilience, Casey McIntyre, a vibrant 38-year-old book publisher from New York City, faced the devastating reality of ovarian cancer with a remarkable plan to make a lasting impact on the lives of others.

Meet Casey.

Born on February 1, 1985, in Upper Manhattan, Casey McIntyre grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey, and attended Agnes Scott College in Georgia. She married Gregory in 2015 and was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in 2019 during in vitro fertilization treatment. Despite undergoing extensive surgery in January 2020, she remained hopeful, realizing the strength of women facing challenging situations.

Baby Grace was welcomed into the world in April 2022, becoming a beacon of joy for McIntyre and her family. Known for her knowledge of the best bodegas and celebrity-spotting restaurants, McIntyre’s greatest gifts included her wit, laughter, devotion to family and friends, and her remarkable determination.

Her life after the diagnosis

McIntyre, a book publisher, began treatment for ovarian cancer in 2019 and spent approximately three months in the hospital. After a challenging health journey, she unexpectedly gained six more months of life after being moved to home hospice.

During this extended time, McIntyre actively engaged in planning. Beyond social media posts, she wrote letters to her 18-month-old daughter, Grace, and meticulously organized her own memorial service. Her last five months in home hospice care were referred to as a “bonus summer” by Gregory. Despite her health challenges, she enjoyed beach trips and precious moments with her family, including their daughter.

Despite her health deteriorating in the final week, McIntyre’s positive outlook on life prevailed. She rejected the notion of a “sad life,” emphasizing the joy derived from her family, friends, and the life she had envisioned with her husband. Gregory, reflecting on his wife’s enduring happiness, finds beauty in the continuation of Casey’s good and happy life through a campaign she would then initiate.

Casey’s last wish

Casey McIntyre expressed her desire for friends and family to learn about her passing directly from her and on her own terms, according to her husband. This wish was fulfilled on November 14, 2023, when a message was posted on McIntyre’s Twitter account announcing her death.

In the heartfelt message, McIntyre apologized for the unfortunate reality and acknowledged the profound love she felt from everyone. Her final request was to alleviate others’ medical debt through donations to the charity RIP Medical Debt. McIntyre. Aware of her privileged access to top-notch medical care, she emphasized the unfortunate reality that many in the country lack such access. She underwent various treatments, including chemotherapy, surgeries, and experimental immunotherapies.

After her husband shared the news on Casey’s Twitter, the campaign quickly surpassed its $20,000 goal. By Friday afternoon, it had raised approximately $140,000, equivalent to the capacity to eliminate around $14 million in medical debt.

How you can help too.

The absence of a universal healthcare system in the U.S. intensifies the burden of healthcare debt on its citizens. McIntyre’s story gained viral attention across media channels, prompting a surge in donations to RIP Medical Debt.

According to the nonprofit’s website, every $100 raised helps relieve $10,000 in medical debt. Thus, McIntyre’s targeted goal of $150,000 could potentially eliminate $15 million in others’ medical debt. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll from last year revealed that a quarter of American adults with healthcare debt owe more than $5,000.

Casey McIntyre’s legacy extends far beyond the confines of her own battle with ovarian cancer. Her selfless act of using the funds raised in her memory to tackle the overwhelming issue of medical debt embodies a spirit of generosity and empathy that resonates with many. McIntyre’s story is a testament to the enduring power of compassion, reminding us that even in the face of personal adversity, one can leave a lasting impact on the lives of others.


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