Meet the Woman Who Spent Millions to Resemble Barbie
Nikki Exotika is a 40-year-old transgender woman from the USA. She has already spent an enormous amount of money on plastic surgery. She proudly shows off her unbelievable transformation and is never tired of saying that only now she’s totally happy.
Nikki says it costs a lot to look this good.

Why in the world would the doctors continue to indulge her? She looks so horrible. They should know when to tell her no. That is negligence!
Yuck. Would have been fine with one minor rhinoplasty. Mental case.
Nikki Exotika has had several procedures in the last 20 years to look like a Barbie doll. She’s had breast enhancements, nose jobs, lifts, tucks, and even has undergone voice therapy.
“I’ve spent more than a million dollars to transform my body into plastic perfection,” says Nikki in her interview. “I chose the Barbie look because I was obsessed with the doll since I was little,” she adds.
Nikki faces a lot of different reactions from people who find out about her story.
“A lot of people are going to be like, ’What makes her special? What makes her the most expensive doll? Oh, so she’s spent a million on her face and body?’” Nikki opens up. “Well, it’s a lot more than that,” she continues.
Starting from the age of 2, the woman knew she was different from people surrounding her, as she liked putting on makeup and nail polish.

Teraz wygląda jak drakqoueen. Chyba tak się to pisze.
The blonde bombshell also was obsessed by the image of Barbie and adored pop stars like Madonna, and it all came with the feeling she was born in the wrong body.
“I started realizing when I was little that there was definitely something wrong with me. When I was a boy I would steal my cousin’s Barbie dolls all the time. My mother would find them under my bed,” she said.
“It was hard transitioning, I had to wait until I finished high school. I had a lot of people saying mean things to me. When I transitioned it was the best feeling ever, it felt exhilarating just knowing that I had taken my hour back after being called ugly and your this your that, I finally found my identity,” says the woman.
Nikki is now surrounded by outstanding personalities.
Nikki often posts photos on her Instagram where she poses with another star. Justin Jedlica, a man who’s called “a human Ken doll”, seems to be in a very close relationship with Nikki. People have dubbed him with this title because he boasts over one hundred cosmetic procedures to look like Ken.
Nikki tenderly calls her soulmate her “plastic brother”, and seems like the duo really enjoys their incredible transformations.
Here’s another story about a woman who underwent 43 surgeries to look like a Barbie doll, but by some reason people call her a “Zombie”.
what's funny is Nikki is on 90-day Fiancee and her fiance is no Ken!
They both look awful!!
After all that effort the manhood still shines through. Cannot possibly imagine having severe mental issues like that. Must be awful.

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