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Amy Adams continues to be utterly charming. She has always been in Hollywood’s brightest spotlight, and she has something to say when it comes to beauty standards. While pregnant, she gained some weight which taught her more about her body. She recalls that period as one of the most liberating periods of her life: “Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body—meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit.”
Before Amy appeared on the list of the highest-paid actresses in the world, she spent a year unemployed. But she soon got a role in the independent comedy-drama Junebug (2005), where she played a chatty expectant mother. She made a breakthrough performance for which she was nominated for an Academy Award.
While most of her fans believed Adams gained weight for some of her film roles, that wasn’t always the case. Instead, she altered her appearance for movies that needed it, using prosthetic parts. The actress admitted that she wanted to be present in every minute of her life, even if she put on weight when she was pregnant. Adams claimed that she had a genuine relationship with her body and welcomed changes throughout her pregnancy.
The actress said that when she was pregnant, she truly understood her relationship with her body and appreciated her weight increase in the months following the birth of her daughter in 2010. Adams noted that she started working out and eating a healthy diet after giving birth. She admitted, though, that getting her body back was not her first goal. The mother of one went on to say that she didn’t believe that her “rockin’” body had ever been a factor in her success.
After learning she was pregnant, the actress couldn’t help but go back to her final scenes in Junebug, where her character delivers a stillborn baby. “Because of how that film ended, many women have talked to me about their own similar experiences and how much that character touched them,” she shared. “Having played someone who went through that, I was terrified.”
Adams eventually had a natural, drug-free delivery after her efforts in researching her baby girl’s arrival and attending birthing classes with her husband, Darren Le Gallo. “[Darren] was really calm,” she reveals, adding that the couple has learned to work together. “Now we understand the importance of teamwork. And if we have a disagreement, we work toward a solution.”
Do you think weight has something to do with personality?