An Artist Conquered the Hearts of Millions With Sincere Comics About Everyday Life With His Wife

6 years ago

Israeli artist Yehuda Devir became popular thanks to his sincere comic illustrations about the fine things in everyday life with his wife. His beautiful wife, Maya, is an illustrator and graphic designer too. Here’s her Instagram page. Besides personal drawings, Yehuda creates illustrations and heroes’ images for books and magazines and develops logos for companies. His graduate work in the Academy of Art and Design was a giant piece that depicted all famous superheroes from the film industry from 1920 to 2016. Today, we want to show you his illustrations of family issues. It’s a pleasure looking at them because they’re full of love and tenderness. Just see for yourself!

Bright Side gathered 9 of this talented artist’s illustrations about everyday life — and we relate to so many of them!

“We” are on a diet.

After Avengers: Infinity War

Another culinary delight

A handyman

“Massage for Dummies” is a dangerous book.

My girl bought me a present.

Beards are for men and only for men.

That sound in the silence...

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Did you recognize yourself and your special someone in these illustrations?

Please note: This article was updated in March 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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