Breaking Barriers: Noah Matthews Makes History as Disney’s First Down Syndrome Star

year ago

With the selection of Noah Matthews, Disney has nailed it again. He’s the first-ever actor with Down Syndrome to star in one of its productions. At 15 years old, Noah will step into the role of Slightly, one of the lost boys on the mythical Neverland Island in the classic novel Peter Pan.

There’s some wonderful news for the cinema industry. Noah Matthews Matofsky, a 15-year-old actor with Down syndrome, landed a major Disney role. He will be playing one of the Lost Boys, named Slightly, in the live-action movie Peter Pan & Wendy.

Noah’s mother revealed that he underwent a rigorous audition process, competing against thousands of other young actors. Despite the tough competition, he was selected — making history as one of the first actors with Down syndrome to star in a lead role in a Disney movie.

To shoot the movie, Noah and his family moved to Vancouver for 6 months. He recalled his time on the movie set, saying, “We all learned sword fighting, which I loved. I had lots of lines to learn very quickly, but it was exciting, and I really enjoyed it.”

Noah wants to pursue his passion for drama and be a role model for others with Down syndrome who share his interest. He aims to encourage people to dream big and follow their aspirations.

It’s inspiring to see individuals like Noah breaking down barriers and showing others what’s possible.

Check out more impressive stories about people with Down syndrome:


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