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Coconut Water and 7 Other Brazilian Beauty Secrets That Will Make You Age Backward
Brazilian women are famous for their beauty. They love soft, healthy hair, care a lot about their nails, and most of all — they believe in the power of natural beauty. Because they don’t really use much makeup or wear jewelry, they mostly rely on the beauty secrets that they have, and those that have been passed down generationally. These beauties were taught from a young age, and often set trends in the beauty industry based off the ones they use themselves.
We at Bright Side love to delve into all kinds of cultural secrets, and these Brazilian women really had us awestruck by their beauty trends.
1. Drink coconut water.
Coconut water is well-known for glowing up and moisturizing your skin, since it has many vitamins and minerals. If you have dry skin, acne, or if you want something to prevent your skin from aging, applying it directly on your skin may work well. However, experts suggest that consuming coconut water may actually be more efficient for reducing wrinkles, hydrating, and glowing up your skin. It is advisable to drink it with no additional sugars or preservatives.
“We all know coconut water maintains amazing skin from the inside out. It tastes really good too, so it’s also a yummy treat.” — Adriana Lima
2. Rub sand on your skin.
In order to prevent clogged pores and acne breakouts, it’s important to exfoliate your skin. You can use wet sand as a natural remedy to remove all the dead skin cells from your feet and hands. However, sand can be a harsh exfoliant, and it might not be so gentle, so rubbing it on your skin softly can really benefit your skin. Try to avoid using it on your face, as some people have sensitive skin.
3. Drink carrot juice.
Carrot juice has plenty of health benefits, from improving your eye health to boosting immunity. And it can be especially good for your skin — it has plenty of vitamin C which is good for your collagen production. Not only can it strengthen and add some elasticity to your skin, but it can also protect against damage from the sun.
4. Get a lymphatic massage.
A lymphatic massage is a softer version of a massage that helps relieve pain from swelling in your arms and legs. It can remove waste products from your body and naturally cleanse your lymphatic system. However, it’s recommended to consult a doctor before getting this kind of massage.
“My secret is a lymphatic massage. It’s a special massage (that boosts) circulation and (reduces) water retention. It’s a treatment most Brazilians do not leave home without.” — Amanda Wellsh
5. Apply sea water on your hair and skin.
If you generally take care of your hair and hydrate it, you can style your own hair without heat by applying salt water every once in a while. It has salt crystals that make your hair have that beachy wave look, thus adding volume and definition to it.
Not only is it good for your hair, but also your skin. Saltwater can help treat eczema, reduce allergic skin reactions, and exfoliate your skin. It’s no wonder these Brazilian models look flawless.
6. Add seaweed to your diet.
Seaweed is known to be very healthy for your body in general, like aiding in weight loss and protecting your heart — but it’s also very beneficial for your skin.
It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can improve your skin’s overall health. Not only that, but it contains moisturizing qualities that can prevent acne. It may also help to even out your skin tone and be a resourceful nutritive element to make the process of aging less noticeable. You can simply add it to your diet as a topping or to your favorite veggie soup.
7. Use skincare products that include açaí oil.
Açaí berries are known as the Brazilian “superfruit” and they even have more antioxidants than strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They’re well-known as a nutritive element to make the process of aging less noticeable, as well as a refreshing way to improve your overall wellness. You can use skin-care products that include açaí oil that will also help your skin look tight, and eliminate scars, stretch marks, and dry skin.
“I think every visitor or athlete in Brazil should try açaí. It’s a superfood berry that practically everyone uses to make fruit bowls and smoothies. It’s delicious, healthy, and the best part is that there is no way you can not find it.” — Lais Ribeiro
8. Use brown sugar as a face and body scrub.
You can use an at-home ingredient, like brown sugar, to exfoliate your skin. It is not as harsh on your skin as Epsom salt can be — so even if you have sensitive skin, applying brown sugar can do the trick. Because it might feel a bit sticky on your body at first, rinsing it off carefully is a good idea after exfoliating.
“My aunt taught me a very good scrub back home: Brown sugar plus coconut soup plus a little water equals the best face and body scrub. It takes away all the dead skin, leaving you super soft.” — Emanuela de Paula
Which of these Brazilian beauty secrets have you used? How have they benefitted you?

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